Chapter 29: Hey little man.

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"Okay, so what's the plan on getting Westfield back to normal?" Iris asks.

"Well, as of right now the government has set up camp around Westfield and they have asked a couple organizations to help in researching like McCullogh tech, Palmer Technologies, Ivo Labs and also STAR Labs." Caitlin responds.

"Have you responded yet?"

"No, because Barry owns STAR Labs he needs to answer."

"Can we do that by just going there? I don't feel like writing a letter and all with the show possibly revealing their identities in the future." Barry says.

"Yes I think that's possible."

"Great, I'm going to load up the van with equipment."

On the outside of Westfield.

STAR Labs and a few other companies have set up shop and are helping the government with researching what happened. Due to Westfield being close to Central City the CCPD has decided to help as well with their CSI's.

Captain Singh decided to give Barry a visit at the STAR Labs van.

"Hey Allen." Singh says.

"Captain Singh! Good morning!" Barry says while shaking his hand.

"Everything good around here?"

"Yeah, though we're still trying to figure out what this is exactly."

"Okay, our facial recognition software doesn't work because any photo or video taken of the show blacks out the show. I recognize those two but I just can't pit a finger on it, I swear it's on the tip of my tongue. We do think that the ones acting as the parents are Paradox and XS."

"Yeah, well. If I were them I wouldn't want my identity getting figures out either."

"I wouldn't either, let's just hope it doesn't have any credits for them."

"Yeah, likewise."

The flatscreen TV Cisco had set up on the side of the van is playing the show. It doesn't have any cuts so it's just showing you and Nora watching movies together.

"Hey Captain!" Cisco yells.

"Yeah?" Singh responds as he walks over to Cisco.

"Has anyone tried going in yet?"

"No, at least not to my knowledge."

"Okay, what if we try to send like a drone in?"

"That would be better than immediately sending in a person."

"Yeah, so this show is set in the early 2010's right? So I think that if we want a drone to be able to enter it has to be made of tech from then."

"I can see why they asked STAR Labs to come. None of the others have thought of this."

"Really? Must be some dumb researchers." Ralph butts in and says.


Cisco has made the drone and is about to send it in.

"Guys wait! What if we put something in the drone that could remind them of their normal lives?" Caitlin asks.

Electric Love (Nora West-Allen x Thawne's son reader) Where stories live. Discover now