Chapter 1

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I had just gotten home from work and my roommate, Alise, still hadn't come home from her supposed friends house. My other roommate, Ann, was in the kitchen making some tea. I walked into the living room from my bedroom and found Ann already seated on couch. I sat down on my favorite chair and stirred the tea wondering what Alise could be up to.

"Should we call her?" I asked Ann, who happened to be playing a game on her phone.

"Call who? Who are we calling?"
Ann was sweet and caring,  while I was the worry wart who always had to make sure things were as they should be.

"Alise. She still isn't home, hasn't been all day and now it's getting dark." Ann looked at me and shook her head.

"Amber, she is a grown ass woman. You need to stop treating her like she's your child. She is not. She's your friend. And she's older than you. Why do you worry about her so much?"

"You know why. She doesn't have her wolf yet and I don't want anything to happen to her."

"You keep fussing so much, you're gonna make something happen to her." Ann gave me her "stop overprotecting her" look and took a sip of her tea. Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate and dug in my pocket for it. I pulled it out and saw Alise's name. I quickly took a deep breath. She had sent a text.

On my way home now. Getting a ride. See you soon.

Getting a ride? From who? 🤔

Ummm... My friend? 😁

😱 You stayed over a guys house didn't you! You hoe! We will be outside waiting for you. I want to meet this dude!

I stopped texting and tossed my phone on the couch. No wonder she didn't tell me who it was. I know everyone she knows. This dude better have been good to her.

"Ahem... Your wolf is peeking out. What's the problem? Is she on her way home?" Ann looked over at me from behind her mug.

"Yes she is... And she isn't alone. Hurry up and finish your tea, we are waiting on the porch for her." I said and grabbed my mug, drinking down the contents swiftly. Thank God, it had cooled enough that I didn't burn my tongue.

Ann giggled as she watched me and finished her tea.

"She's with a guy, isn't she! That little slut. Good for her!" She hopped out of her chair and did a little happy dance, mumbling something about getting laid.

I was trying not to pay to much attention to her. I didn't care if Alise went out with guys or had fun, I just needed to make sure she was safe. She didn't have any clue what she was and anything could be a trigger. Honestly, it was more for the publics safety than her own. If she ever triggered her turn in front of people... Well let's just say it wouldn't be good.

Ann was already prancing her way out the door as I followed her. We didn't have to wait too long before a sleek  black sedan pulled up and Alise jumped out. The minute I saw the car, I got a bad feeling. They had found her!

These two men got out of the car and began approaching them. Alise had grabbed me, hugging me and tried to introduce them but my eyes were glued to the one with the smirk and dimples. He was an Alpha, I could sense it and so could Ann, who had grabbed my hand and began tugging gently.

"Hiya Amber, Ann... I would like to introduce you to Jooheon and Shownu." Alise beamed up at the us. She seemed blissfully happy to be with them. She must not have any idea what they are. They didn't tell her. But do they know what she is? Fuck! I had to say something because she was starting to stare at us and get upset. Ann poked my back and I put a smile on my face.

"Hey girl! Just happy to see you home safe. Uh... thank you, sir... I mean Jooheon for bringing her home. We... We don't know how to thank you." I said hugging her close. I wanted to turn and look at Ann but the Alpha held my gaze. His presence was strong but I could tell there was more to this. Alise mentioned something about dinner and before I had realized it, she ran into the apartment.

The moment we knew it was safe after she disappeared, the questions began.

"Does she know?" Jooheon asked, questioning the both of us. He was definitely an Alpha and you could feel the power in his voice.

Both of us girls were frozen in our spots. Neither of us had ever encountered an Alpha. We shook our heads, no and I began to explain.

"She has no idea. We found her in college and have been with her ever since, protecting her. We would never let anything bad happen to her. You... You're her mate, aren't you? But... You're an Alpha." I looked at him, letting my eyes take in the details, as he nodded.

"She needs to activate her wolf but I don't want to be behind it being triggered." Jooheon said, shrugging his shoulders.

"We can try to figure it out together." Ann said as she looked over her shoulder. "If we don't get in there she's gonna come back out." Ann said. Her accent had gotten more pronounced. It always did when she was nervous.

"Yeah... Let's go." Jooheon said and headed up the stairs into the apartment, following Ann. I couldn't move. I was still stuck to my spot on the porch. And then I heard it. A voice.

"Uh... Hello... I'm Shownu. I'm sorry about all this. We didn't know." I finally acknowledged him hearing that magical voice. When our eyes met, I felt like I'd gotten hit with a mac truck. Mate!

"Oh fuck... You're... His beta, aren't you? And... We are mates!? I mean..." Shaking my head. "Hi, I'm Amber. Uh... Please, come in." I gave him a nervous smile and reached out my hand to him. My whole body was humming. For some unexplainable reason I needed to touch him, feel his skin against mine one way or another.

My Beautiful BetaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin