Chapter 2

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He hurried over to me and gave me a quick smile. His smile was adorable. It made his eyes turn to little slits and his cheeks puff out. He was tall and gorgeous. And I couldn't believe he was mine! He ran up the stairs and took my hand before walking with me into the apartment.

Jooheon was sitting in the living room and just kinda gave us a look but didn't say anything. A few seconds later, Alise had called to him and he decided to join her in the kitchen. That left Shownu and I alone. We began to walk over to the couch but he pulled me back. I almost fell against him but he caught me. He was so tall, I had to look up at him. He bent down and kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry... But I had to do that. I'd like to do more but I'm not sure if you're ready for that, yet. Blame the mate bond on my forwardness." I was blushing and he was being so sweet I almost wanted to cry. The kiss had warmed me all over and my body was definitely ready for more but my brain kept screaming to hold back.

"It's ok... I understand. Um... I feel it, too, but... I think we should hold off for a little bit. Don't get me wrong, it isn't that I don't want you it's just that..." My eyes darted to the kitchen as I heard screams and squeals coming from the room.

"Hold that thought..."

I rushed to the kitchen to see what all the noise was about and was hit in the face by a cloud of flour. My two idoit roommates decided it would be fun to make a mess instead of cook. Jooheon, who had on Ann's frilly pink and white apron was trying and failing miserable to protect Alise and cover himself. The scene was pretty funny but one of us had to try and be the adult.

"What in the hell?" I yelled. I could feel Shownu behind me and heard him snicker. "I leave y'all alone for 5 minutes and this is the shit that happens. I am not cleaning this up!" I threw my hands up in the air and walked out of the kitchen with Shownu laughing his ass off behind me. He was pointing at Jooheon but followed me back into the living room.

I collapsed onto the couch, closing my eyes and felt him sit down beside me. He put his arm around me and pulled me into his side. Instinctively, I cuddled into him. Mmmm... He was so warm and smelled so good. Like... teakwood and cardamom. It was a kind of masculine, spicy scent that just made my mouth water to taste him. I turned my face into his scent to get more of him and could feel his hand roaming my curves.

This man was built! His chest was rock hard and he had wide shoulders and defined pecs, not to mention the washboard abs that could be felt through the thin fabric of his shirt. All I wanted to do was run my hand over his chest but it would cause issues and I didn't want him to get the wrong idea.

It's not that I didn't want him. I wanted to take him into my room and make him make me scream his name until my throat went horse. I just didn't think right NOW was a good time to do that. Not with everything being so new with Alise and Jooheon and her not knowing who or what she really was. It wouldn't make much sense to Alise if Shownu and I just started boning out of the blue.

I had to play it safe for now, for her sake. Jesus, the things I did to protect this girl. She better appreciate me when she finally gets her wolf. I looked up at Shownu who seemed to be perfectly content with just holding me in his arms. I could already tell, what an amazing man he was from his gentleness with me. He wasn't even trying to push for anything more than I was giving. But I wanted him to understand how I felt about things and where I stood.

"Shownu... I know this is a lot to ask, but... Can we hold of on everything with us... Just until Alise gets her wolf and can understand the mate bond thing? I know it's a big ask, but it is important to me. I'm her beta and I need to take care of her, even if that means putting myself second." I said the words fast, hoping I was making sense with my ramblings.

He rubbed my arm and kissed the top of my head.

"I understand, Amber. I would never force you. Plus, this gives us a chance to get to know each other without having to worry about the sex. I'm not saying that everytime I see you I won't be thinking about it, but I can definitely restrain myself until you are ready. I just hope it doesn't take Alise too long to get her wolf." He gave a throaty chuckle and squeezed me.

I looked up and him and mouthed the words thank you. He bent his head down and brushed his lips against mine, ever so softly.

We heard them finishing up with dinner in the kitchen and got up to set the table. I could feel him stealing little glances at me while we worked and it made me blush. Finally dinner was ready and the trio came out of the kitchen carrying the food to the table.

We ate and talked, getting to know one another. We joked with each other and shared embarrassing stories. It felt good and Alise seemed super relaxed. More so than I have ever seen her. And Jooheon was totally enamored with her. It was actually really cute. I tried not to watch Shownu but I honestly couldn't help myself. Part of me wanted to be cute with him, too. Everytime he looked my way, I had to hold myself back from jumping over the table and into his lap.

Finally dinner was over and the guys were getting ready to leave. Ann took it upon herself to clean up after us.  Shownu pulled me aside and before Alise could get suspicious, Jooheon captured her full attention.

"I... uh... Wanted to give you my number. In case you might want to text or talk at all." He was looking down and kicking at the edge of our carpet with his foot. He was acting like a boy with a crush and it was making my heartbeat go erratic. I handed him my phone and he quickly added his number before leaning down to place a chaste kiss on my cheek.

"I'll see you soon, ok?" I nodded as he headed off towards the car with Jooheon. I couldn't stick around to see them drive away, so I went back in the apartment. When I noticed that Alise wasn't behind me I called out to her and she rushed by me

"I'm going to bed. It's been a crazy but wonderful day. See you in the morning!" With that she kissed my cheek and skipped off to her room. Ann had already gone into her room after she had finished cleaning up,  so I proceeded to lock up and turn out the lights.

As I made it to my room, my phone went off. It was Shownu. He had sent me a text. I laid down on my bed to read it.

Hey, sweet girl. I just wanted to tell you how happy I am to have found you and how lucky I feel. I can't wait to see you again. Yours always... Shownu

I was tempted to text him a long response back but opted not to. Instead I just sent him a heart emoji and said I'd see him soon.  I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face.

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