Chapter 12

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We landed at Incheon International and a sleek, silver town car was awaiting us as we exited the jet. Alise and I were super excited. We tried to take in as much scenery as we could as we passed through the city of Seoul. The guys promised to take us sightseeing after we got settled and they handled some things.

Jooheon had told us that the Pack house was located on the outskirts of Seoul, in a more rural area. He said the estate was huge and extensive. Neither Alise or I were ready for how big it actually was. We stopped at a gate before the car turned down a long, well manicured road. The property that loomed in the distance was beyond impressive.


"Shit!" Alise finished my sentence. The both of us sat there in complete silence as we drove up to this gigantic fortess. And here we thought OUR pack house was big. This place was a God damn citadel! I grabbed for Shownu's hand and he chuckled and pulled me close. By the time the car stopped, I was in total panick mode. Why did I think this would be ok?

Alise could see the look on my face and mind linked me.

Shhhh... Sweetie, it's ok. I'm here with you. Everything will be alright. We will get through this. All of us. Jooheon and Shownu would die before they let anything happen to us. Just breathe.

I nodded that I had heard her as we got out of the car and watched as our bags were carried in. As we stepped into the front hall we were greeted by a lovely older woman and a man that looked like an older version of Jooheon. Oh damn! This had to be his parents. Jooheon had told us that they were still the Alpha and Luna of the territory and the appropriate thing to do was bow when we met them.

Shownu took my hand and we both bowed deeply showing our respect. Jooheon and Alise got down on the floor and bowed. He must have taught Alise what to do. I was amazed that she was doing so well. She didn't look nervous at all. The Luna smiled at his son's mate and reached out a hand to help her up. The Alpha waited for his son to stand before embracing him in a huge hug. They talked briefly and Alise introduced herself. I envied Alise for her confidence and strength.

I took a little breath. They seemed nice enough. Maybe there really wasn't a reason to worry. Maybe his parents would be as nice and accepting as Jooheon's. The Alpha and Luna looked over at us and I smiled, trying my best to relax. The Alpha was deep in conversation with the guys. The Luna motioned for me to join her. 

"What is your name my dear? I'd like to know the name of the person who has stolen my nephew's heart and has been protecting my dear Jooheon's mate all these years." She was smiling warmly at me and held out her hand. I placed my hand into her open one and introduced myself.

"Hello, Luna. My name is Amber and it is a great pleasure to meet you. I am honored to be here and in your presence. Thank you for extending the invitation to us. I am excited to be in your beautiful country." I bowed deeply until she pulled me up by my chin. She looked into my eyes and then gave me a genuine smile.

"You speak with such eloquence. I'm am sure my brother and his wife will be very happy to finally meet you. Follow me, my loves, let me show you to your rooms." She wrapped an arm around both Alise and I leading us up the stairs. The guys followed with the Alpha patting both of them on the back.

"You've done well boys. I'm proud that you've finally met the women you're destined to be with. I expect to be a Grandfather and Great Uncle very soon." He winked at both guys and they both blushed.

"Dad! Can we not talk about this right now? The girls can probably hear you!" Jooheon was blushing so hard but he had a smirk on his face. Alise looked back at him and winked and his blush got even deeper. I wasn't about to even glance back at Shownu. There was no way we were opening that can of worms. Not today! No thank you, sir!

The Luna just giggled and kept walking. She stopped at a room halfway down the hall and turned to Jooheon taking his hand and pulling him towards her.

"My dearest son, you will be staying here with your dear Alise. And Shownu, you and your sweet Amber will be in this room." She stepped forward a bit and motioned to a door across the hall.

"Feel free to rest and freshen up for a bit. We will be having dinner in a few hours. We will call you when it is time." The Luna kissed the guys on the cheek and looked both Alise and I, in the eyes again smiling before she walked away on the Alpha's arm.

I looked back at Alise and she waved before Jooheon pulled her into the room and closed the door. I followed Shownu into our room and closed the door behind me. It was a beautiful space with a large bed and a separate seating area. I began unpacking when Shownu came up behind me placing his arms around my waist. He leaned down and let his lips run against my ear.

"You did so good, babe. I'm so proud of you. You'll be able to meet my parents later at dinner. Are you ready to face that?" I nodded and turned in his arms, kissing his nose.

"Yeah, Nunu. I'll be ok. As long as I have you with me, I know everything will be fine." He picked me up and carried me over to the bed.

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