Chapter 7

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I hadn't exactly figured out why I was making myself wait and then I caught sight of Jooheon sitting on the couch, alone and looking beyond miserable. He had been left in a state of limbo. Alise hadn't said a word to him since we had brought her here. The poor guy had no idea how she felt about any of this and neither did we. She had left us all in the dark. The only thing we could do for him was try and be positive. I knew for a fact that she loved him but I wasn't sure if she'd be able to let it all go. Alise was a very realistic woman and things didn't spook her easily. But finding out that you are a werewolf and the guy you just feel in love with was one also... Not to mention your two closet friends and all of his... Would be enough to set anyone off.

I sighed and went into the kitchen. It must have been my hungry for Shownu that had me suddenly feeling starved. I began picking at a few of the snacks here and there. I could hear the guys begin to file into the living room to sit with Jooheon. They were all trying very hard to cheer him up. Ann joined me a few minutes later and we gathered some little things onto a tray to bring to the guys. I also grabbed a bunch of beers.

We had just been setting things down when I sensed her. I wasn't the only one. Jooheon's eyes were glued to the doorway. She came in, not making eye contact with anyone and sat down. Then asked for all of our attention.

"Can I please have everyone's attention? I just wanted to say, thank you for coming to rescue me. I appreciate your efforts. And thank you for not judging my on my decisions and indiscretions. I did what I felt was fair and just." Alise took a deep breathe and let her eyes meet Jooheon's.

"As for not telling me what you all are... I'm not going to lie, in the beginning I was upset but that passed quickly. I understand that you didn't want to scare or freak me out, which would have been the case if you had tried to tell me. It... Was just all so much to process at once. I hope you can all understand that my animosity was not directly aimed at any of you." She watched as Jooheon winked at her.

"The only question now is, if you plan on accepting Jooheon as your destined mate." The blond one commented.

Alise slowly smiled at Jooheon.

"I guess I'll keep him. I'm just gonna have to move in here and make sure you all don't kill each other. The girls are moving in to. I need my sisters close to me at all times. Cause, ya know, it isn't like you don't have enough space or anything." Holding her hands up sarcastically, motioning around the huge living room.

Jooheon jumped over to her, pushing her down onto the couch hugging her tightly.

"God damn, I am the luckiest son of a bitch in the world to have you! I'm never letting you go, Alise."

"You better not, or I'll kick your ass." She said through her fit of giggles.

"Oooook... Time to clear the room. These two love birds need their privacy." The tall one muttered and rolled his eyes.

"And I'm pretty sure Shownu wants to be with his mate also." Kihyun had chimed in. Shownu gave him a look.

"Come on bro, did you honestly think we didn't know? You've been broadcast 'Shownu loves Amber' in your head for hours." I gasped and covered my mouth. Shownu just shrugged and made his way over to me, picking me up bridal style and carried me out of the room. Everyone laughed as they watched us disappear down the hall.

We didn't stop until we had made it into his room and over to his bed. He laid me down on the soft mattress and stood up. He stripped quickly tossing his clothes off and kicking them to the side before laying down next to me. He helped me to sit up and lifted my shirt up and over my head. My bra came off next and he laid me back down before burying his head between my cleavage.

I moaned and grabbed at his thick hair. His breath was hot on my burning skin but his mouth and tongue were cool. He licked and sucked at my tender flesh as my nails raked over his toned back.

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