Chapter 15

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"Do you have any clue what the meeting is about, bro?" Shownu looked over at Jooheon who was caught up nuzzling Alise's neck and making her giggle. He stopped and thought for a second then looked over at Shownu.

"Nah, brother. I haven't the slightest clue. It will be a surprise for the both of us. If you both are ready, we might as well head down and get this over with. My dad has already let me know that they are ready for us whenever. The sooner we get this over with the sooner we can take our ladies out sightseeing." Jooheon smiled at both Alise and I and patted her side for her to stand up. She hopped up and held out her hand to him. He took it standing up and headed towards the door. Shownu and I followed and we all headed downstairs to the Grand Hall for the meeting.

Jooheon and Shownu entered first and we came in behind them standing off to the side. They walked up and stood in front of the Alpha and Luna. The rest of the parents filled in the semi circle of people facing them. The guys bowed and waited for the Court to address them. The Alpha cleared his throat before he started speaking,

"Thank you for joining us. And please, allow your mates to join you. This will concern them as well." He waved his hand to us and Alise and I walked over to our mates, standing at their sides. I took Shownu's hand and he gave it a quick squeeze.

"Ok... Now that we are all here, I will explain what is going on.  We have recently decided that we have someone that will work out very well in the states. We would like you to take her back and officially make her part of your pack." Jooheon began to say something and his father shook his head.

"No son, this isn't your choice. It will be up to your Luna to make this decision. We would like you to consider this person for the role of Gamma in your pack house. Now, I know that you will need someone very trustworthy to sit as your third. If I'm correct, you don't have anyone holding that position as of yet?" Alise answered that she did not and her father-in-law nodded.

The Luna motioned to the door and it opened. A young woman walked in. She seemed extremely confident and poised. She came and knelt infront of Jooheon's parents.

"Tell them your name, my darling." The kind Luna smiled at the woman and she stood and walked over to Jooheon and Alise bowing deeply in front of them.

"My name is Rui and I would be honored to serve you and be apart of your pack. I hope you can find it in your hearts to accept me." Jooheon seemed impressed and Alise knelt down and helped the girl to her feet.

"Rui, my name is Alise and as Luna of this clan, I officially welcome you to be by our side." In that moment, I had never been more proud of Alise. She was exuding confidence and strength. When she had said "this clan", she had motioned to the three of us. It actually brought a tear to my eyes and I whipped it away quickly.

Rui smiled and Alise pulled her in for a quick hug. She nodded at Jooheon, who also hugged her. Alise whispered into Rui's ear and she came and stood beside me. I took her hand and squeezed it real quick and introduced myself.

"Looks like you and I are gonna be working together. Hi, I'm Amber, Alise's beta and sister. This is my mate, Shownu. Welcome to our little family." Shownu loomed over me and smiled at Rui. She smiled back at the both of us looking very excited to have found a home.

"Well..." The Alpha said. "I am both elated and relieved that this all worked out for the best. You are now free to do as you please. You are welcome to stay as long as you want, your company will always be enjoyed and welcomed here. The jet will be ready to take the five of your back home whenever you are ready. We love you all and wish you nothing but the best for your futures. Oh... And a few grandpups would be a nice addition to your clan. We will be expecting the good news, hopefully soon?" The old Alpha rubbed his hands together and wiggled his brows. The Luna just groaned and covered her face with her hand after punching the Alpha in the arm.

"Run along now, children before he starts bringing in tailors to fit you for your bridal robes." We all giggled, thanked them and hurried from the room. I pulled Rui with me and began chit-chatting. I let her know that we were going to be going sightsee in Seoul. Rui smiled at me and said that we would definitely enjoy ourselves. She said it was a beautiful, lively city. We made it out to the main stairway and she excused herself saying that she had some things to take care of before we were ready to leave. She bowed to all of us and headed upstairs.

"Wow... She seems like a good girl. She's seems strong-willed, with a good head on her shoulders. I think she will work out nicely." I said as the rest of us stood there for a few minutes.

"As long as she is loyal, like you and Ann, that's all I care about. I need people around me that I can trust." Alise stated and nodded her head.

"Well... Now that everything is all settled here, are you both ready to go check out Seoul?" Jooheon asked. The both of us began jumping up and down. We headed outside and there was a car waiting for us. We all piled in and headed for the city.

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