Chapter 13

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"Lay down with me? I just want to hold you for a bit, just to feel you close to me. Then we can take a walk around the grounds, if you're up to it." I nodded and layed down with him, tangling my legs with his. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes as he kissed my forehead. We stayed like that, in each other's arms, for a long time. Finally he sat up on his elbow and looked at me. I looked back with a questioning expression.

"So... I was just curious. We hadn't gotten a chance to really talk about this because it's been so new... But... How do you feel about our future? What do you want out of it? Do you even want to marry me?" He watched my face, curious as to what I would say.

"Shownu, I am yours. Your destined mate, chosen for you by the Moon Goddess herself. I'm am not going anywhere and I expect a forever with you. I want to have your pups and grow old together. And yes, I will want to marry you... I just don't want everything to happen right this second." I said rubbing my nose against his. He took my hand, kissing the soft skin of my palm, gently. He smiled up at me.

"That is all I wanted to hear... Because I am never letting you go. I love you, Amber. No matter what happens." He had turned serious on me and I just smiled and pulled him closer. I ran my hands up and down his arms. He sat up and pulled me to my feet.

"C'mon, my love. Let me show you around a bit." I took his hand and headed out of the room with him.

A few hours later we were called to dinner. We hurried back up to our rooms and changed into something nicer. I had brought a black dress that wasn't overly sexy but elegant enough for the occasion. We ended up exiting our room at the same time Jooheon and Alise did. She whistled and grabbed my arm. She chatted my ear off the whole way down to dinner. It was cute to see her so happy. Before we reached the dining room, Shownu came to take my arm and Jooheon lead Alise into the room.

The sight was breathtaking and it smelled so delicious that my mouth began watering. We made our way around the table and over to our seats. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. We stood behind our chairs waiting for the Alpha and Luna to join us and sit first. There were two other empty chairs next to where the Alpha and Luna's chairs were.  Shownu leaned over and whispered that his parents would arrive slightly before Jooheon's did. I nodded and just smiled politely.

A few minutes later, a tall, elegant man and woman strolled into the room and took their seats. The Alpha and Luna followed them, smiling and greeting everyone.

"This is a joyous day for my wife and I because our son and his mate are home visiting us. He has also brought his cousin and his mate home. Everyone, we will celebrate tonight! Feast and enjoy!" Everyone clapped as they took their seats and we all followed suit, sitting down to enjoy our meal. I looked over at Shownu, who was looking up across the table at his parents. They smiled and waved him over. He looked back at me and reached out his hand. I stood up with him and we began walking over to his parents. I could hear Alise wishing me good luck in my head. I took a deep breath and tried to swallow my nerves.

"Eomma, Appa, I'm so happy to see you." They had stood up as we approached and were now both embracing their son with open arms. I could see how happy they were to have their son home. I smiled at the sight. It almost brought a tear to my eye. I heard Shownu clear his throat and begin to pull away from them.

"I am so happy to see you both. There is someone that I want you both to meet. Your beloved son has finally met his mate and I can't wait for you to meet her." They smiled back at him with expectant looks in their eyes, looking over his shoulder. I bowed deeply to them as best I could in my dress and waited for Shownu to introduce me.

"This is Amber, my mate." He had stepped to the side and I could feel their eyes on me. His mother was the first to speak.

"Oh! My dearest son! I'm so happy to know that you will finally no longer be alone! Come here, my sweet girl! Let your eomma, look upon the face that makes my Nunu burn with such love and pride!" I blushed at her words and moved closer to her raising my head up so she could look at my face. She gasped.

"Oh my! Nunu! She is a beauty! The Moon Goddess has done well with this match! Appa! Look at how beautiful our daughter-in-law is! Your pups are going to be most adorable!" A deep blush fell upon my cheek at the mention of children. Then I felt his mom pull me to her for a big hug. Shownu's dad was standing there all smiles. He had his hands on his hips looking at Shownu with nothing but sheer pride. He picked up his glass and made a toast to us. I, was still caught in the bear hug his mom was giving me, so I was not able to join said toast, but I could see that Shownu was excited.

His eyes were tiny slits from smiling so wide. He was loving this moment, I could feel it. His mom finally released me and then it was his dad's turn to hug me. I felt like I was being passed from one to the other, but it was ok. I was just super relieved that they were so accepting and excited to meet me. Shownu finally pulled me to his side, kissing my head.

"Eomma, Appa, it is an honor to finally meet the people responsible for bringing my Shownu into this world. Thank you. I am very blessed to be here." I said and bowed again. And his parents started speaking in Korean to each other. I thought I had done something wrong, but I heard Shownu tell me in my head that they were saying how impressed they were with me.

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