5. Akihabara with Ichika

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Ichirou was not particularly looking forward to today. Ichika was, but Ichirou definitely was not. After all, as much as he loved her, she was truly the epitome of an annoying little sister. Even if she was ten centimeters taller than him.

They were currently in the entranceway of their home, waiting for Masahiro to pick them up. Ichika was chattering about something related to anime and Ichirou was pretending to listen. It wasn't that he didn't care about his sister's interests, it was more like he had no idea what she was talking about. She occasionally did this, rambling about something from her yaoi manga. Although, at least this time, it seemed as though she was babbling about a yuri manga, which was pretty unusual. She had apparently gotten sucked into a particularly good one about a girl who goes into a video game and wants to be the lover of the villainess? He was not one hundred percent on the plot if he was honest.

Ichika had dressed up nicely, wearing a black bomber jacket with cherry blossoms and a pair of dragons stitched onto the back in white, blue, and pink. Under it, she wore a crop top that revealed just a couple of her well-defined abs, and some tight black jeans that fitted her form nicely. A black mask and sunglasses that she wore on the streets to avoid being recognized poked out of her jean pockets. She also wore some high-heeled boots that nearly brought her up to six feet tall. Anyone could see that she was a dominant alpha from a mile away, not just because of her clothes, but because of the confident way she held herself up.

Ichirou wore a much different style than her. Today was an oversized pink sweater with a decal of some strawberries next to a milk carton. Barely poking out from under the bottom of said sweater were some white shorts. It was a bit colder than he had anticipated it being since it was the end of May, so he ended up putting on some strawberry-patterned thigh-high socks. Pink and white creepers, a strawberry hair clip, and a strawberry-shaped bag finished off the look. It was definitely a cute look, but also a really lazy look if he was being honest.

"Hey, Ichirou, are you listening?"

This was enough to pull him out of his daydream. Ichirou looked up at his sister and shook his head. She groaned, slumping down into the white, plush loveseat they were seated in. He shrugged and leaned against the arm of the couch.

"I was saying, do you think he'll be okay with us going to a maid cafe?" she asked.

"You've got to be kidding. You want to go to a maid cafe? That's so lame," Ichirou complained.

"Well excuse you, some of us are gay!"

"I'm gay, too, I just like men!"

"Let me live the fantasy. I never get to go to Akihabara with my friends! Please, big brother, you're the only one who understands meee," she whined, shaking his shoulder.

"I do not understand you one bit!"

As Ichirou jumped off the couch to get away from his sister, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out, and saw a message from Masahiro, along with a sticker of a car. It read, "I'm here! Bring you and your sister out!!" Ichirou sighed, shoving it back into his pocket before turning back to his younger sister.

"What are the rules again?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Oh, uh, don't speak of things that are super embarrassing like the time you almost shit your pants, don't commit violence against him, and don't tell our parents anything about what happens today."

"Okay, let's go," Ichirou said, satisfied.

Ichirou and Ichika stepped through the white door together, with Ichika closing it behind them. As usual, Masahiro was standing outside his car, leaning up against it. Today, his outfit was a lot more simple; he wore a gray sweater that had a band decal on the front, with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows, some distressed wearing jeans, some dog tags, sunglasses, and white trainers. He smiled and gave a little wave of the hand.

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