40. Ichirou's Birthday

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Ichirou adjusted his low dipping collar so that the hickey he had received from Masahiro nearly a week ago now couldn't be seen. He gave his chauffeur some gratitude and a farewell before hopping out of the car and heading into the lobby of Masahiro's building. It was just before seven in the evening, and the sun had set over an hour ago. Ichirou pulled out his phone and texted Masahiro that he had arrived, before stepping into the elevator.

It had been a long past few days. Although he went to Nagasaki to supposedly see his grandfather, his grandfather refused to see Ichirou. Ichirou really wasn't sure if it was because his grandfather was an alpha elitist, or if it was because Ichirou looked just like his mother. From the pictures Ichirou had seen, the main differences seemed to be in height and his more apparent Adam's apple. He decided he also didn't care because regardless of circumstances, it was rude and cruel. Ichirou had no relationship with either of his father's parents, and his mother's parents weren't much better, since they actually were alpha elitists.

Either way, even without his father coming after him during the moments when he wasn't meeting with his own father, it would have been an unpleasant trip. However, his father seemed to want to talk to him throughout the majority of it. Ichirou refused, avoiding him as much as possible. It seemed like his father had gotten the majority of the hint as to what this was about, or, at least, his wife told him what was wrong. Still, unless he started with an apology, Ichirou didn't want to hear him out.

Ichirou knocked on the door to Masahiro's apartment, craving that familiar scent. Tonight was the night. If he was being honest, he had been fairly high-strung as well due to the fact that he was confessing tonight. Masahiro was either going to reject him tonight, or he was going to get plowed. Ichirou couldn't think of any more possible options.

Masahiro opened the door, grinning. "Hey, babe! Welcome!"

Ichirou walked in, allowing the door to close behind them. He noticed that the dining room and den both had the lights off, but he figured that Masahiro just hadn't gotten around to turning them on. Ichirou got up on his tip-toes for a kiss, holding onto Masahiro's shirt material. Masahiro leaned down and gave him a soft, sweet kiss.

After Masahiro pulled away, Ichirou bent over and pulled off his pink sneakers. He dropped his overnight bag in the hallway, deciding to deal with it later. Masahiro touched the small of his back, guiding him into the dining room. Quite suddenly, the lights flicked on, and, jumping forth from the darkness, were Takeru, Yuuhei, Ichika, and Yuri, all exclaiming, "Happy birthday!" at the top of their lungs. Ichirou jumped back in surprise, before clapping his hands together and a wide smile pulling at his face.

"Oh my god, you're all here! I thought it was just going to be Masahiro and me," Ichirou exclaimed, leaning slightly on Masahiro.

This was simultaneously exactly what he wanted and what he didn't want. He loved having his friends and sister here, but at the same time... he kind of wanted to eat and then immediately get fucked. It didn't really seem like that was probably going to happen, and he might have to wait a couple of hours.

Masahiro seemed to already know what he was thinking because he leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Sorry, Ichirou, I already had this planned with them a month ago. I'll get them out of here within two hours." Masahiro straightened up, clapping his hands together. "Okay, lemme go finish off making the ramen, and then we can get this party started!"

Ichirou watched as Masahiro walked away, then walked over to converse with his friends and sibling. They were only talking for a moment when Masahiro began to bring out the six bowls of ramen. Takeru jogged over to help him, grabbing a couple of bowls as well. Ichirou sat down and held a spot for Masahiro on his left. Ichika grabbed the seat on his right at the end of the table. Across from Ichirou and to Ichika's right was naturally Yuri, and to her right was her cousin, Yuuhei. Takeru would surely sit next to him at the other end of the table.

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