51. Bonus 3 - The Future (FINALE)

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Ichirou woke up gradually, then all at once. There was light fluttering through the curtains, and the smell of Masahiro's calming pheromones surrounded him. He slowly pulled himself up from where he had been laying on his side, his hands automatically going to his stomach. He sat for a moment, trying to wake up before he really stood up to do anything.

Ichirou glanced over his shoulder to the other side of the bed. On the bed lay a black and white cat, but there was nothing else. Masahiro wasn't there, which meant that it was before eight-thirty. It was a wonder, then, that she hadn't gotten him up earlier. She was usually crawling into his bed by now, asking him what was for breakfast. Ichirou could get dressed in peace, at the very least.

Ichirou carefully picked out a comfortable shirt, as well as a cardigan and some comfortable pants. Afterward, he combed out his long hair and tied it into a ponytail. He looked at himself in the mirror; he looked slightly tired, but not exhausted like he had been feeling recently. After all, taking care of one little kid was difficult enough, but now he was adding a second one.

Ichirou was eight months and some change along, and boy did he feel it. He knew that male omegas were naturally smaller than beta women or omega women, but he felt huge. He was still about two and a half weeks away from his due date, but it seemed like every day had slowed down to a crawl now that it was nearly time. At least today was full of things to do, as he was planning on meeting up with some people.

Ichirou walked out of the bedroom and walked downstairs, noting that his daughter's door was still closed. Thank goodness. He'd have a moment to himself. Ichirou walked into the kitchen, his hands grazing over the countertops. He started up the coffee machine and began pulling out various ingredients from the fridge. Although he still wasn't as skilled as Masahiro, Ichirou had gotten quite good at cooking. He made breakfast, lunch, and dinner on weekdays, and Masahiro usually made their meals on the weekends. Today, however, Ichirou wanted to get their bentos made since they were having a picnic.

Partway through cooking up some tamagoyaki, Ichirou heard a door open from upstairs, and then the light taps of a child walking down the stairs. From around the corner appeared a five-year-old girl. Her sky-blue eyes looked sleepily up at her mother, and she held onto her most recent favorite toy, which also happened to be a baby doll. She had pink hair in a bob haircut, with a fringe straight across. Well, that was supposed to be how it was, but unfortunately, as it often was when she woke up, it was all over the place.

"Good morning, Aiko," Ichirou said, smiling at his daughter. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm tired," she complained, walking over to her mother and grabbing his leg. "I couldn't sleep last night because I was too excited about Makoto."

Ichirou rolled his eyes as he stroked his daughter's hair. "Yes, Aiko, I know. You're very excited."

"Lemme say hi to him!" she demanded.

Ichirou, knowing that she would not rest until she got the chance to say hello, turned to face his daughter. With glee, she patted her mother's stomach and whispered "good morning" into his stomach. Aiko had been the one most excited about the newest addition to their family. Ichirou honestly wasn't sure if he wanted another one, but Aiko and Masahiro both wanted her to have a sibling. Ichirou decided to go with it in the end, because as difficult as raising a child was, it was also impossibly wonderful. Ichirou enjoyed being a mother a lot more than he had expected.

"Do you want some toast and milk for breakfast?" Ichirou asked.

"Yeah, I want strawberry jam," she said, nuzzling her mother's side.

"Got it," Ichirou said, pulling the bread and jam out of the fridge.

A door opened at the front of the house, and Aiko took off running, excitedly shouting, "Daddyyyy!"

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