The Hidden City Of Everest

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The Hidden City has been busy more then usual this year due to an event being held. As always, people were getting things ready for the festival. But as for Haven and his group, they would have to be at the great temple to talk to the leaders to find out whether not their punishment has been decided. They knew that the punishment might be to be locked away or banishment. But even if that happens at least they saved some people out of the Arkham camp. To them it was the most honorable thing to do, consequences or no consequences. They knew even if they broke the rules, and even if they get punishment after, what they did was the right thing to do. They were not afraid of the punishment that they would be given. Because saving the people was the right thing to do, and no one in their world was going to tell them otherwise. They had a destiny and they were going to fulfill it no matter what. And no matter the danger or consequence. They will save as many people as they can and nothing is going to stop them. Not even the leaders or the council. They will do whatever it takes. They will even destroy the Arkham right where they stand. The Arkham have ruled ruthlessly over their world for way to long, and now they will fight again to get it back. Back at the temple the leaders were making a plan to help Haven and his group. "Do you have all the maps and weapons ready?" The first leader said to the third leader. "Yes we do they are in the second room downstairs right where you wanted them. Is that correct?" The third leader looked at the first leader with a bit of concern in his eyes. "Yes that is where I wanted them, now all we need to do is wait until Haven and his group come to the temple. Surely they will find everything that they need for their journey. This war has gone on for 500 years now it's time to end it for good. Now that we know who our chosen ones are, all that I hope is that they will stay safe". After saying this the first leader named Athena looked out the window and sighed. The third leader named Andrew looked at her and said. "Do you think that they can win the war like the prophecy said?". Athena looked at Andrew for a minute before saying. "Truth be told I don't know, all that we can do is hope. Hope that they can defeat the Arkham and their lords for good". After a couple of hours Haven and his father arrived at the great temple, where the great leaders have been waiting for them. As they entered the great temple they were greeted by first leader Athena. "Hello Haven and Ares. It's been awhile since I saw you and your adopted son Haven around the great temple, its really nice to see the two of you again." Yes indeed it is Athena but I understand we have other things to discuss." Athena looked at Ares and nodded her head "but before we begin we need to wait for the others to arrive. Since Havens friends were also involved in this event to they need to be here for questioning". After hearing this Haven was displeased and couldn't help talking back to Athena." Leave my group out of this it was my idea to" Suddenly Athena cut him off by saying." To lead them into one of the Arkham camps even when you knew you were not supposed to. And in other words disobeying the rules and putting you and your friends in danger." Athena said these words looking at Haven with a dead serious look on her face. Haven looked at her not afraid of what she might do next." Yes I made it my decision to go out there with my group. Even breaking your so called rules. I still went out to save people and kill the Arkham in one of the camps. I know the danger I was getting myself and my group into but I didn't care. And I am not going to apologize for my actions." Athena looked at Haven with an impressed look on her face." Never in all of my years has anyone ever been brave enough to talk back to me in such a tone. I guess you are the one who got your plans set out for you. But the question is would it happen to end your life one day?" Haven looked at Athena for a minute before answering her question." Whatever happens to me, fate will decide in the future. But as for now, I think I will be ok depending on the decision that you and the other three leaders have made. And for my punishment I say that for the rules that I broke I will either be locked away or banished. Am I correct?." Haven said looking at Athena with a very serious but questionable look on his face wondering if he might get into more trouble than he already did. Since he talked back to the head lender Athena, he didn't know if she would just decide to kill him instead, since Athena was well known for losing her temper when things don't go according to her plans. However Athena looked at Haven and let out a little laugh." Oh my are'nt you a bold one. Of course we have made our decision but we also had something else in mind for you and your group. Please follow me so that we can discuss this more and when your group arrives we can tell you all the full details of our decision. And surely you will like what you hear" Athena said with a smug smirk on her face before walking away and taking us to the destination she wants us to be in. When they got to the room and sat down Ares was still bothered by the fact that earlier, Haven said he didn't care about the danger he and his group put themselves in. Just to save people in one of the Arkham camps was all they cared about. And what did he mean he won't apologize? Does he really have a death wish? Damn it I really wanted to say something. But every time I was going to say something Athena would look my way glaring at me. As if she knew I would say something so I just stayed silent so I wouldn't anger her more than she was starting to sound. When the other three leaders and Haven's friends enter the room we all waited to hear  the news that they were going to tell us. We have made our decision and this is the decision that we have made for you and your group.

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