The Council part 2

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Danielson and Jackson were both busy getting everything and everyone together for the journey ahead and they must make sure they had everything that is absolutely necessary that they needed to fight and survive. Is everything ready in the wagons Danielson said to Jackson as he was making his rounds getting their army together. Jackson looked at Danielson and said everything is ready, half of the weaponry we need and half of the medication and food that is needed is ready to go. Good man Jackson Danielson said putting his hand on his shoulder with a smile on his face. We will leave the rest to the villagers and in the morning we roll out. Jackson nodded his head in agreement, so do you still need me to help you with the paperwork in your office or do you need me to do something else. And make sure all of the villagers have what they need to survive and stay safe? Danielson looked at Jackson and said that he can double check everything and and make sure that everyone has what they need and if everyone and everything is all set then he would have to come to his office afterwards . Jackson nodded his head before turning away to go see that everyone has what they need or if they needed help with anything he would also help them with the things they need help with. After Jackson walked away Danielson turned to walk to his office. Before he opened his office door someone behind him speaks. So what is so special about Jackson are you to dating or what? Clark said with a shit eating grin on his face. Danielson turn and look at him, why do you ask that ridiculous question Clark? Clark looked at him and laughed, I mean you two do make it damn obvious and you two known each other for 800.000 years you would think you ask each other out by now. Danielson rolled his eyes and turned to ignore Clark before going in his office and closing the door. That damn Clark needs to stop talking bullshit or the next time I swear I will kick his ass. But there was one thing that Clark was right about Danielson and Jackson have known each other for a very long time and the oldet living beings known to exist. In their world though even if the people here live a very long time they can still get killed easily. Danielson walked to his desk and sat down to do the paperwork, the memories of the past started to flow in Danielson mind and things he hasn't thought about in years. Before Danielson could get lost with his thoughts Jackson walks in the office, Danielson looked up at Jackson a little bit startled when he heard the door close. Jackson looked at Danielson and asked him if everything was okay, Danielson are you all right? I am sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Danielson smiled at Jackson, hey Jackson don't worry about it I am okay, I just got a little focused on my thoughts that's all. Oh really then what you were thinking must have been very important Jackson said as he walked over to his own desk and sat down. Danielson looked at Jackson and said actually I was thinking about our past and how we met. Oh yeah that was a very long time ago Jackson said looking back at Danielson, so after all these years what made you think of our past lives. Jackson said a bit curious about why Danielson would think so far back since he never talked about the past before. Well it's something that Clark mentioned to me earlier and well I guess it just got stuck in my mind. Danielson said to Jackson before looking back at his paperwork and started writing again. Jackson looked at Danielson confused, why the hell was Clark so interested in our past lives to begin with. Danielson looks up at Jackson and says to be honest Clark was joking around saying that since how long we known each other that I should ask you out. But Clark is Clark I don't know why he would say these things. Jackson started to laugh, are you serious I can't believe Clark would think of something like that. But hey if you ever do ask me out it would be one hell of a honor. Danielson shakes his head to Jackson's comment then laughs. Yeah I would have to remember that the next time when I have the time to ask you out. After both Danielson and Jackson were done talking to each other and laughing they started to go back to work on their paperwork. When they were done with everything they both went on patrolling their areas of the village. A couple of hours went by and when they made sure that everything was clear they both said goodnight to each other and went to their cabins. At the first light in the sky they head out.

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