The Hidden City Of Everest part 2

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We have made our decision, and the decision we have made for you Haven, and your group, is that you and your group will be the new Arkham Hunters of the hidden City of Everest. When the second leader said this to us we were all in shock but relieved at the same time. We never thought that they would make a decision like that. Arkham Hunters that is a job we are willing to do. To save people and kill the Arkham. When Athena looked at the other three leaders she nodded her head to them letting them know it was time to lend Haven and his group to the weaponry room. Where they can pick their weapons of choice and all of the things they would need for the long journey ahead of them. Havens father was very in shock when he heard the leaders decision he didn't know if he should say something or stay quiet at this moment. Everything was very overwhelming for Havens father of course he was very happy for his son and his friends that didn't get into serious trouble with the lenders. Surprisingly Athena did not lose her temper or get completely pissed off like she normally does. When we got to the weaponry room we all looked around in amazement there were so many weapons, maps, medical begs plus more. It was like a hunters dream come true. There were guns, spears, Swords,enchantment books and enchanted weapons, throwing knives, bombs, and jet's. Haven and his group were amazed by what they saw in the room this was the most amazing thing that they ever seen in their lives. "Whoa this place is amazing i can't believe you guys have all of this cool stuff" Aiden said while looking at Haven and the leader Athena. Athena laughs at the words that Aiden had said to them. "Well of course we have this stuff after all we are the leaders of Everest. And if we ever happen to get attacked here we would be prepared to fight back against the Arkham. But for now this is your time to rise up and make your own journey together. And remember that you are only stronger together so you must always fight as one." Haven look at Athena and nodded his head in understand meant letting Athena know that he understands the importance of fighting together with his group. When everyone was done talking to each other it was time to pick their weapons. When Haven looked around he found a enchanted sword that he liked and a hand gun he then picked up a travel bag and put some maps, food, water and medicine inside and some travel clothes and shoes as well. After Haven and his group got everything that they needed it was time to go back to the main office so that the leaders can talk to them more before there journey. Havens father looked at Athena and nodded his head to her even though he has loved her for years he still hasn't said a thing to her about how he feels and probably never will. Even though he loves Athena he also loves his son more since he has raised Haven since he was very little and was always there for him when he needed him. But now that Haven is older he has no choice but to let his son go and let him find who he truly is in his long journey ahead of him. "Haven when you and your friends go on your journey i want you to know please be safe my son. I love you always please come back home alright i will miss you when you leave in a couple of days". After Havens father said this Haven looked at him and give his father a hug. "I love you to father and i hope that i will see you again to. And i will make sure that we will stay safe as long as we can". Havens father looked at Haven after he said that and give him a hug back. After they were done hugging each other they went into the room so the leaders can finish their conversation with them for the day.

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