The Council part 3

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When the first light of the sun came up Danielson and Jackson got their army together and started on there way to forest Levi, there is where their journey begins. After awhile of walking they found a trail that leads in to the big forest and as they enter they all got their weapons out just incase something like the Arkham were hiding in there. Stay on guard soldiers the Arkham could be anywhere Danielson said to their army as they walk deeper in to the forest. Jackson looked around making sure that nothing was in the trees or bushes, after a little while of looking around he spotted some movement. He looked at Danielson and their army to give them the signal to stop and as they stopped Danielson went by Jackson. What do you see out there Danielson said to Jackson with a quiet tone. I don't know but whatever it is it's moving there in the right corner. Jackson  pointed to the spot were the movement was, over there Jackson said to Danielson. Danielson nodded and both Danielson and Jackson walked over to the spot were the movement was, keeping there weapons ready just incase a Arkham was around that area. As they got closer they looked at the moving grass and immediately both of them cut the grass down getting ready to fight whatever that is lurking. When they cut the grass down they saw a Vicktarri a creature that is so beautiful that it was almost Hypnotizing. The Vicktarri had her twelve pups with her and all of them were having fun playing around there mother. Both Danielson and Jackson smiled at them, They are really cute Jackson said to Danielson with a smile on his face. Danielson looked at Jackson and smiled at him. ;Yeah they are really cute, i think we should tell the others it was just a false alarm;. Jackson looks at Danielson and nodded to him before they both started to walk back over to the others. ;It's all a false alarm it's just a Vicktarri and her pups we can keep moving forward; Danielson said to the troops before walking ahead again with Jackson. A few hours have went by and it was now getting dark, Danielson stopped and told everyone that they will set up camp for the night and leave again when they see first light in the sky. Everyone immediately started to set up their camps and gathering firewood for the long night ahead of them. Danielson walked over to Jackson and said I will keep first watch tonight and let you keep watch in a few hours. Jackson looked at Danielson and said ok before getting up to go to his tent and get some sleep before Danielson wakes him up to go watch. Danielson started his rounds around the campsite making sure that there are no enemies watching and hiding in the woods. Keeping his weapons on him at all times just incase something wants to jump out at him from the shadow's. After six hours have passed Danielson went to Jackson's tent to wake him up so that he can keep watch next. As Danielson walked in Jackson's tent he saw how Jackson was sleeping so peacefully and that made Danielson smile. Danielson knew that he needed to wake him up so he walked over to Jackson and gently started to move Jackson's shoulder. ;Hey Jackson you need to wake up now it's your turn to keep watch; Jackson woke up and looked at Danielson. ;Ok I am getting up now; Jackson said to Danielson with a small yawn. Jackson got up and got ready to keep watch on the camp so that Danielson can sleep, as Jackson was keeping watch he heard the birds singing in the early morning and the animals scattering around. When it reached first light in the sky everyone packed there bags and stuff up in to the wagons to move out into the woods again, Danielson and Jackson made sure everything and everyone was ready to go before they all started moving forward. Eight hours have past and they saw a stream up a head; We can gather water here; Danielson said to his army as they walked by the stream to gather the water. Jackson and Danielson helped there army gather the water from the stream and then Clarkson walked up to them with a shit eating grin on his face ; well well looks like the two love birds are at it again; Clarkson laughed as Danielson gave him a death glare;  do you have a death wish Clark or are you just stupid? Take things seriously or better yet why don't you take that spere of yours and hunt some fish; Clarkson looked at him still grinning not giving a damn how much Danielson threaten him. ;Ok Danny I will go fishing and try to take you seriously; Clarkson laughed and walked off ; Why the hell did we bring him again; Danielson said utterly annoyed by Clarkson ; Danielson if you like it or not he is our best bet on helping us win against the Arkham and you know it's true so why do you always let his words Bother you so much? ; Jackson said looking at Danielson ; It's just that he never takes me seriously and it starts to piss me off at times but that Doesn't mean that I don't love you; Danielson started to blush realizeing what he said and of course Clarkson of all people heard it ; Ha I knew it; Clarkson said with a laugh. Danielson turned his head to Clarkson giving him that most serious death glare, when Clarkson saw that Danielson wasn't playing he immediately stopped laughing and started to do what he was supposed to again not wanting to get killed by Danielson. Jackson walks up to Danielson and put his hands on his shoulders ; I love you to Danielson; Jackson said with a smile on his face, Danielson looked at Jackson back now smiling and giving Jackson a hug, Jackson gave Danielson a hug back. ;And I will love you for eternity Danielson; Danielson smiled at Jackson ; And I will love you for eternity as well Jackson; 

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