The Council part 1

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The Council of the hidden Village Called Varatina is another part of the city of Everest and the difference between Varatina and Everest is that they live in more of the outer lands of the mountains that are keeping them hidden and if there was any danger Everest will be the first ones to know from the Varatina. The people from Everest have been working together with the Varatina for years to make sure everyone in their lands are safe. Council leader Danielson is the strongest among the rest of the Council members and not only he is the strongest but the bravest as well. And since the people of Everest had given up taking the risk to save the people, the Varatina decided to take over on that mission but just like everyone else many had fought and fallen. Danielson is one of many that wouldn't give up that easily he had fought and freed many people that were enslaved by the Arkham. Him and his clan have fought and alot of people that were in his army never made it back alive. They had one goal in life and that goal is to keep fighting the Arkham and keep freeing their people and no matter what happens in the end they will be the ones to challenge the odds of the world around them and if they happen to pass on in life then they will make sure it's a honorable one. The people of Everest are counting on them and no matter what the odds might be in this day and age they will gather together and fight once more. To fulfill the prophecy they will all fight even if many fall this time they will show the Arkham what they got and this time they will not hide in their fear. This time they will stand up to the Arkham and hit them with everything that they got and with the help of their new weapons they might just win the battle yet. Because believing is the strongest thing when you want to face your fears and never again that the people will go into hiding in nothing more then a dark obis they will tear down the walls to victory...
Everest and Varatina will be great once again.
Danielson got all of the Varatina Council members gathered in the meeting room to discuss their plans to Wipeout the Arkham. "So Danielson what is your plan to get rid of the Arkham for good?" Jackson said to Danielson, waiting for he answer. Danielson looks at Jackson "I heard that the Everest prophecy was true and since the heroes themselves are still young it will be or duty to protect them. Leader Athena ordered us to help the heroes on their long journey. Tomorrow we pack and head out, we must make a early start so we can be ahead of them to make sure they are safe. We must pack our best equipment for the journey ahead, we have to catch the Arkham off guard or other wise we would fall in parallel. So Jackson it is your mission to get our strongest warriors and they must pack immediately is that understood?" Jackson looked at Danielson and nodded his head "Of course I understand I will get them immediately" Jackson said before turning away to leave. Good man Danielson said to Jackson and then walked to his office to write to Athena that they will be on their way by sunrise.
Back in Everest Athena and the other three leaders were talking in the meeting room about Danielson and his group. Andrew looked at Athena and the other two leaders named Kim and kip waiting for Athena to give them a answer about Danielson and second in command Jackson and hopeing that they had sent them good news about the plans for the long journey ahead and what they must do to help Haven and his group from the Arkham and there lords. Hello my friends Athena said to the three leaders standing by her I have news about Danielson and Jackson and the news I am about to tell you is good Danielson and Jackson along with their group agreed to help and watch over Haven and his group and taking out any Arkham and their lords. So Haven and his group can have a army with out worrying about being out numbered. And I believe we can all count on Danielson and Jackson to help them fight the enemy. So then we will finally have a army that can fight the Arkham and lords. But the question is can they deal with them with out and casualties. Kim said looking at Athena, Athena looked back at her and said yes I believe they will do just fine and after all these years of knowing Danielson and Jackson I know they can pull anything off. They have the knowledge that can keep their people and themselves alive and I also believe that they can keep Haven and his group safe as well. Andrew smiled when he saw the confidence that Athena had when she told Kim off. Andrew has known Athena since childhood and loved her ever since. But has never told her how he felt to her, they have been best friends for a very long time and Andrew was always afraid if he told Athena that he loved her that they wouldn't be friends anymore and he didn't want to ruin the friendship that they have just because he has feelings for her. But he knew that he should be honest with her instead of keeping it to himself because the one bad thing about keeping your feelings to your self is not being honest with the person you love. If you don't be honest and tell the person you love how you feel about them then you would never know if they shared the same feelings for you or not. Andrew knew he had to tell Athena tonight alone in her office.

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