The Arkham Hunters part 1

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A unknown group in the valley of Nightvel were hunting the Arkham soliders down one by one and the one who was leading this group was none other then Mikamoreie Havens older sister and a long side her was Lukeacarie Havens older brother and for many years since they escaped the Arkham soliders they have been freeing and forming an army to fight against the evil Arkham and their lords. They kept themselves hidden and unknown for a very long time and they were not planning on making that change anytime soon. Their mission is to stay out of sight and out of mind but there is one thing that still haunts the older siblings the most the death of their little brother Haven and their parents, before they were captured by the Arkham their mother was trying to keep them safe by fighting the Arkham away from her children and her village but sadly they were getting over powered by the Arkham so she looked at her two older children and told them to take Havencarroo and run to safety ; Go now my children take your brother and leave this place, go to the trail of Levi there you would find Athena, I love you all; They ran but before they can get far the Arkham have shot rays of fire in to the village ending many lives including their mother immediately. As they tryed to continue to run a big piece of burning building fell on top of them and they tryed to keep their little brother safe from the fire but sadly the thick flames got him as well causeing him to have a burn on one part of his face they were trying their best to escape and then they saw a hole only big enough for little Havencarroo. ; Havencarroo look at us we might not be able to make it but you will now go; they said to him before pushing him though the opening and as they pushed their little brother he rolled down a deep hill and into a puddle of water, Havencarroo got up weakly and walked out of the water before falling back on the ground and losing concuss. The Arkham then grabbed Havens older siblings and locked them up and then one of the Arkham spotted Havencarroo and walked up to him and another Arkham looked at him ; Is the thing dead? He said while holding Havencarroo older siblings wanting them to witness their failure. The Arkham who looked much different then the rest placed his hand gently on to Havencarroo's neck and even though Havencarroo was still alive he look at the other Arkham ; Yes the child is dead, the fall from the deep hill killed him; ;Nooo; Haven siblings said now crying this can't be; ;Oh but it is; The Arkham that was holding them said before locking them in a different cage with the rest of the survivors. After the Arkham locked them up he started to walk away and after the other Arkham left and one who lied looked at Haven and gently carried him not to far away from the village, when the Arkham that looked different from the rest found a place in the grass for the little child he then laid Havencarroo down on the grass before walking away and leaving Havencarroo alone. Havencarroo's Older siblings never been the same since that day and swore to never let another person suffer the same fate.
Their army was now stronger then ever with many people in it and more advanced then the other guy and now all that it is left to do is shut down the Arkham's technology. When they shut the technology down the Arkham would be defenseless against them and once in for all they would win the war and take their home back. Mikamoreie; Is the army ready?; She said before looking at Lukeacarie, Lukeacarie; Yes they are all ready; He said looking back a her. Mikamoreie; Good now let's get or home back; she said with a lot of fury in her eyes. Lukeacarie followed her lead as they all gathered their army to leave and fight against the enemies that have been in their world for years. They Marched on into the woods staying hidden and alert as they kept moving forward into the enemies layers to exacule them like they did to their people for so many years ago. They waited until the Arkham were sleeping before throwing fire acids inside the cave and burning the Arkham alive. The Arkham screeched in pain before melting away into the firey acids. The army and Havencarroo's Older siblings kept moving forward until they found another Arkham layer and burned more Arkham Alive. Mikamoreie; Now all that we need to do now is to find the mine layer; Lukeacarie; Yes and when we do the Arkham will pay once in for all and we will win and the Arkham will finally fall; Havencarroo's Older siblings and their army started moving forward again and they destroyed eight more Arkham layers before setting up camp in the early morning. Mikamoreie; Ok this is where we can rest for the day and move out at first night fall; They all started setting up their camp's and started to go to sleep until night fall because the next night they plan to destroy every Arkham base that they can and they will never back down ever. Mikamoreie; Ok Lukeacarie I will keep first watch and you can get some rest and I will wake you up in a few hours; Lukeacarie; Ok but if you ever need help with anything just let me know; Mikamoreie; Don't worry I will now get some sleep you need it; Lukeacarie then walked to his tent and went to sleep while Mikamoreie kept first watch keeping her weapon on her at all times she started to look around the woods making sure their was no enemies lurking in the shadows of the dark woods around her. She continued to look around the woods and making sure she stays close to the camp for a few hours until she got Lukeacarie up to take over the watch so she can finally get some sleep.

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