The Arkham Hunters Part 2

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Lukeacarie kept watch at the camp until first night fall came and everyone started packing up and moving again. A few hours went by and they spotted some Arkham soliders in the distance, they all stopped and got their weapons ready for battle. They kept themselves hidden in the tall grass and got closer to the Arkham before dragging them in the grass and killing them instantly. Mikamoreie; Now we move forward; She looked at Lukeacarie and nodded to him that it was alright to move forward and with that they all started moving forward and they kept moving until they spotted a lake. Lukeacarie; we will gather water here; He said to the group as they got ready to gather the water, but before they can gather water they heard a roar behind them and they all turned around with their weapons as they got ready to fight the Arkham soliders one by one. They all changed at the Arkham killing them one by one until they are no more. Mikamoreie; That was a close one; she said as she looked at Lukeacarie, Lukeacarie; I know but at least we are still alive and no one got hurt; Mikamoreie; Yes I know and that's a good thing that we made it out Alive, now let's continue to gather our water shall we; Lukeacarie; Yes of course Mikamoreie; they all gathered their water before leaving again. A few more hours went by and they all set up camp again and when it's first night fall they would move again. Mikamoreie; Alinealukekarie I want you to keep first watch today and Daisylakira I want you to take second watch after Alinealukekarie; Both women nodded to Mikamoreie before Alinealukekarie took first watch over the camp. When Alinealukekarie was keeping watch Lukeacarie went by her, Lukeacarie; I am going to help you watch over the camp today; Alinealukekarie; Yes but shouldn't you be sleeping instead of keeping watch? I don't mind keeping watch by myself Lukeacarie I know how to handle myself; Lukeacarie then laughs. Lukeacarie; listen I know you are a good warrior and the reason why I am out with you is because I am not tired plus I don't have anything else better to do; Alinealukekarie; Ok if you say so Lukeacarie; Alinealukekarie laughed knowing the real reason that Lukeacarie wanted to be out with her is because he has always been in love with her. They have both been good friends for years and even today that hasn't changed they both care about each other and they will never hesitate to fight together if they needed to. Alinealukekarie and Lukeacarie both stayed out for a few hours until it was Daisylakira's turn to take watch over the camp. Both Alinealukekarie and Lukeacarie went by Daisylakira's tent to wake her up, Alinealukekarie; Hey Daisylakira you need to wake up and keep watch now; Daisylakira work up and got ready to keep watch over the camp. When Daisylakira went outside she saw Alinealukekarie and Lukeacarie talking to each other, Daisylakira; so what are you two talking about?; She said curiously. Alinealukekarie; Oh Just the same old friend stuff that we always talk about nothing more; Alinealukekarie said to Daisylakira with a smile. Lukeacarie; Well we better get some sleep before moving again; Lukeacarie said this looking at Alinealukekarie she looked at Lukeacarie and nodded her head. Alinealukekarie; Very well let's go to our tents then; she then place a hand on Daisylakira's shoulder, Alinealukekarie; Good luck and if you need anything don't hesitate to call us; Daisylakira nodded to her before both Alinealukekarie and Lukeacarie went in their tents and went to sleep. Daisylakira started to look around in the woods making sure there was know enemies and after a couple hours see heard a noise in the woods the sound of moving bushes can be heard in front of her. Daisylakira got her weapon ready and moved closer to the moving bush and when she did she saw two Three year old children behind the bush. Daisylakira was in shock where did they come from she thought, Daisylakira then put her weapon away and picked the children up and went to Mikamoreie's tent, Daisylakira; Mikamoreie wake up I have found two children; Mikamoreie; What two children?; She said while looking up at Daisylakira and the two children that she is holding. Mikamoreie; Oh no now where in the world did you find these two?; Daisylakira; In the bushes in front of camp; Mikamoreie; I wonder where the hell are their parents and people are at? Ok let's go and look for their village; Daisylakira; Ok I don't think their to far away from the village at least I hope not; Mikamoreie; Yeah I hope not; Both Daisylakira and Mikamoreie woke up Alinealukekarie and Lukeacarie so that they can keep watch on the camp. Mikamoreie; Hey wake up you two we found two children that are lost and need to go find their parents and village; Lukeacarie and Alinealukekarie both got up and saw what they were both caring on about. As they both went outside they saw that Mikamoreie and Daisylakira were both holding the children. Alinealukekarie; Where did you find these two?; Mikamoreie; Daisylakira found them behind the bushes in front of the comp; Lukeacarie; I hope that their parents and people are still ok; Daisylakira; Yes I hope so to but we won't know until we find where they belong; Alinealukekarie; Yeah i understand well I hope you two have good luck finding their parents and village;. Mikamoreie; Thank you we really appreciate it; After saying their goodbyes Mikamoreie and Daisylakira were on their mission to find the children's parents and their village as soon as possible. After they left Alinealukekarie and Lukeacarie kept watch on the camp while Mikamoreie and Daisylakira were away to find the children's parents and village. Lukeacarie; I hope that they have good luck and don't run into anything tragic; Alinealukekarie; yeah I know and I hope that they have good luck with out running into any tragically's to but you just never know;

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