The Arkham Hunters Part 3

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Mikamoreie and Daisylakira were running into the woods hoping that they would find life. Mikamoreie; Do you see anything?; Daisylakira; no not yet; Mikamoreie; ok we just have to keep looking; As they kept running forward they spotted some buildings up ahead. Mikamoreie; Look I see some buildings up ahead; she said to Daisylakira while they kept moving, once they reached the village they saw a very beautiful and busy village with a lot of people moving around in the village at work or just talking to each other. Mikamoreie; Oh wow this place is so beautiful; Daisylakira; Yes I know; they looked around and asked someone about the children. Valentineletalkie; Hello how may I help you two?; Mikamoreie; We are looking for these children's parents have you seen them?;
Valentineletalkie; Actually yes I know them they were in the woods gathering supplies, wait where did you find Kodacarrie and Lunaharoo? Mikamoreie; We found them in the middle of the forest by themselves. Valentineletalkie; That's not good, we need to look for them immediately. SkylarlaVackkey you and Leenabella see what you two can find. Yes ma'am then both said before running off into the woods to look for the twins parents. You think they would find their parents? Mikamoreie said to Valentineletalkie. I don't know I hope so. Valentineletalkie said back to Mikamoreie.
They both looked to the woods hoping for a Miracle. A few hours later they found the twins parents locked up in a cell. SkylarVackkey: Look there are people over there. SkylarVackkey said to Leenabella as they both noticed another tribe questioning them. Leenabella: What should we do? I don't think they would be as friendly as some other small tribes that we have seen over the years. SkylarVackkey: We should try explaining ourselves anyways and hopefully they will understand why we are here and that we are on their side and not on the over lords side. Leenabella: Okay I hope that they understand, we should go speak to the tribe leader and hopefully they will understand that we are not the enemy like our father. SkylarVackkey: I don't think that they will think that we look like people not monsters like them, the Arkham have always been evil and so has that over Lord bastard that I will never consider as a father. Leenabella: I know you have a good heart brother and I will always be on your side, Ever since our father have took over our mother's world she was forced to be married to him and for our mother's sake we will find a way to put a end to them all. And no Arkham will be alive. SkylarVackkey: For now at least no one knows who we are and if that ever happened we would have to explain to our friends that we are not the enemy and that we are willing to fight by their side. We can finally put that bastard to his own grave and once that happens hopefully everyone will be at peace. They both stop talking and go to the tribe leader and try to tell him that those people they have are not the enemy but the tribe leader that they found out that his name was AbleMarle wasn't listening to them at all. AbleMarle: You think you can just walk right up on my land and take whatever you want? Well news flash cause you won't get away with your crimes anymore by taking our food. SkylarVackkey: You mean the food we find in the woods everyday to survive? You are crazy if you think you can take everything for yourselves that food is for everyone and not just you and I can see from the very full creates of food that you have that you guys have more than enough to feed yourselves. So tell me what makes you think that everyone should starve just because you think it's okay to have all the food for your damn self. AbleMarle: You think you know better than me you fool, think again these woods our mine and mine only so I can do whatever I want when I want and there is nothing you can do about it and so what if a few people starve because I do not care about anyone else and not even you. SkylarVackkey: Valentineletalkie has been the leader here for many years and the ones who are trespassing in this land is you not us you selfish bastard and that food is ours and not for you to take all of it. And the only fool around here is you AbleMarle so take what you need to live and leave we will be taking the rest of our food back. AbleMarle glares at SkylarVackkey before pulling out his sword and running at him to attack. SkylarVackkey immediately avoided the attack and pulled out his own weapon the Ruby sword a gift that he got from Valentineletalkie. SkylarVackkey immediately used his sword to avoid another attack by AbleMarle. SkylarVackkey: Leenabella get Eeray and Mimic the hell out of here and don't worry about me I will be fine just take them back to the village so that they can have there children back. Leenabella: okay I will just be careful brother. SkylarVackkey continued to fight against AbleMarle as they fought Leenabella immediately got Eeray and Mimic out of the cell that they were locked in. Leenabella then lead the two back to the trail to the village. The whole time they were running to the village Leenabella kept thinking to herself please be okay my brother I don't want anything to happen to you please be careful and safe don't get badly hurt especially when I am not there to help you with your injures. They continued to run and run then finally they saw the village up ahead they needed to get to the village no matter what. Leenabella saw Valentineletalkie and went up to her. Leenabella: Valentineletalkie please help

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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