Episode 25: The men society failed... Clash of the broken

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After Iron Man and Spider-Man put a stop to Vulture and Shocker's crimes, Hosu City remained quiet. Not much had happened for a few days in terms of crime in the city, but this brought about some positive things in the internship.

"One of the most important things to nurture in your unconventional hero journey is no doubt your intellect." Peter Parker told Takumi Sakai during one of these days of peace. Takumi gave Peter a confident smile in response to this before Peter dropped some cheap parts pulled out from old cell phones, destroyed retro computers, and other discontinued technologies. Takumi gave Peter a look of confusion at the mix of unrelated parts.

"Takumi, you know that you are a brilliant person. But sometimes, in fights, your technology can get damaged, and you have no time to head to a professional support lab to fix or replace your tech. When I first started off as Spider-Man, I made my first set of web shooters and spider tracers with random parts lying around my Aunt May's house. What I'm trying to say here is that you need to learn how to maximize your brain's critical thinking and learn how to solve problems even without the vast resources of UA High School or other support labs." Peter explained. Spirit Tony then appeared to both Takumi and Peter.

"Yeah, my very first Iron Man armor, the one that resembled that bulky armor you first wore when we first met, I had to build that in a cave with a box of scraps." Spirit Tony told his student. Peter nodded.

"That's why, your assignment is to create functional, Iron Man styled tracers from these scraps. My spider tracers have been such a useful tool in my arsenal and devices like those will allow you to keep track of a villain if he or she escapes while you are saving someone, or you could trace them back to their hideout and expose larger gangs. It has come to my understanding that you once started work on a tracer project but abandoned it despite having resources provided by UA's support labs, now you need to make a working model of that concept with these cheap parts, and they must be able to work as well as any of the tech you have created for your armor. It will not be easy, but you need to think outside the box." Peter lectured.

Takumi proceeded to not only create the tracers and get a working model, but he also even started to get his main armor updated to become compatible with the tracers so his armor could track the iron tracers' signal. To say that Peter and Spirit Tony had become more and more impressed by Takumi's ingenuity was an understatement.

Nights, however, weren't as easy. He had always ended up with some kind of nightmare every time he slept. Whether it be because of a bad memory the Mandarin had sealed away coming back to him in his dreams, nightmares of the Mandarin getting all ten of the Makluan Rings and going on a rampage around the world, or even worse... vivid almost real feeling night terrors of Ultron, Tony Stark's greatest mistake, now returned and more powerful than ever killing everyone Takumi had ever loved before he eventually killed Takumi himself.
"This is what happens when you let yourself get infected by the supposedly heroic virus that comes from Tony Stark. I am the antivirus and the one who will remake the world until all that lives is metal!" Ultron would say in Takumi's dream before he killed Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida in order to break Takumi. Takumi would also wake up with a cold shiver down his spine and terror before he realized it had just been a dream and Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida were all still alive. Takumi would get out of his hotel bed and grab his iPad.

After the Sports Festival, literally billions of people started to follow Takumi on social media sites like Instagram and Twitter. As much as he enjoyed seeing people show their love and support for him due to his time as Iron Man, he missed the days when he could post things and be treated by the masses as just a normal person, so... he had made a new Instagram page, called Iron Fan#55 where he just posted as a supposed 'Iron Man' fan. Since he did that, he became fast friends with someone by the name of Iron Man #1 fan. He went to the chat they had going on Instagram. Whenever he first joined the private chat with Iron Man #1 fan, Spirit Tony had JARVIS hack into whatever data bases he could to make sure it wasn't someone who was going to try and take advantage of his young student, and whoever it was... the result amused Spirit Tony. So much so that he told Takumi that he actually ENCOURAGED whatever interactions came from this. As suspicious as he was of Tony's motivations, he did at least know that he would not purposely put him in a situation that could endanger him with online crazy people.

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