sleepover part 1

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Allure: I put on the dress that I bought for my party and smile because of how much I love it. I put on lip gloss and check my hair one last time before grabbing my purse to walk out of the door.

All I can think about is how badly I want Daniel to show up tonight. I have this image in my head of us dancing happily while my Family admires us and talks about how perfect the two of us look together. I really hope that that image will come true.

I walk into living room and see my mother sitting on the couch watching TV. I figured I should at least try to invite her to my party.

"Hi mom."

She turns around and looks at me for a second, then turns back around to the TV.

"Where are you going?" She asks not looking at me.

"To my birthday party, you know the one that Monica is throwing me." I say referring to my stepdad's mother.

"Right, that's today." She says uninterested.

"Yeah... Well you're welcome to come if you want to."

"No thanks." Jeffery is coming over tonight.

I immediately get annoyed by his name. Jeffrey is the guy my mom cheated on my stepdad with.

"Okay." I say sadly and walk out of the door. I wish that things were different. I wish she wanted to come and I'm not even sure why. Whatever, I'm not gonna let her ruin my night before it even starts.

Ricky: I look at the time and see that it's 6 o'clock, everyone should be arriving soon. I finish setting up the snacks and the drinks in the kitchen while Sara brings all the blankets and pillows downstairs.

The doorbell rings and I let in 7 of my closest friends and some of their girlfriends. The house is immediately filled with the sound of music and excited teenagers.

Sara: "and he said yes?"

Faith: "Yeah."

Sara: "well what did you say to him?"

Faith: "I just asked him what he thought about Nikki and he said that seemed nice, so I said asked if he thought she was pretty and he said Yeah. Then I said well she told me that she thought that you were really cute and I know that it probably wasn't my place but she's so sweet and I couldn't help but at least to help her out and set you two up."

Sara: "What was his response?"

Faith: "well he was a bit hesitant at first, and maybe a little uncomfortable but he didn't seem angry or anything. I said it was totally fine if he didn't want to and he ended up saying yes."

Sara: "Faith." I say in a frustrated tone

Faith: "what?, what's the problem?"

Sara: "Of course he said yes, chris dosen't like disappointing people. He wasn't just gonna tell you no, especially not after you told him how sweet nikki is. He's way to nice of a guy."

Faith: "Chris is a big boy, it's gonna be fine, have a little Faith in me."

Sara: "Fine." I say giving up and laughing at her corny little joke."


Ricky: "The doorbell rings and I opened the door to Mario, Chris, Tasha, and Angel."

Mario: "Partys here."

Ricky: "Come in."

Mario enters and chris and Tasha follow.

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