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"Do you wanna say thank you?" Carter initiated.

Because of the danger, what's all inside Connor's head right now is to find that light in the middle of nowhere — feeling extremely eager to find safe shelter. He was expecting that if there's a village there, and they're living with these unknown creatures... Maybe they were civilized enough to build a fortress, right? "Yeah, thank you. I suppose you are free to go now. I have to get somewhere, and I don't want to be responsible for anyone," Connor just simply stated like nothing just happened between them.

Carter seethe then replied, "Responsible for who? It's totally clear that I'm responsible to you if you got lost." He was shocked at the rather arrogant and bragging tone the smaller boy has.

"Nevermind. I'll just... I'm going to find a way not to get starve on that shore. Who knows the rescuers don't really wanna come into this island because they think we are already dead," Connor said, finally giving Carter the point why he's acting a pain in the ass. And he also realizes how stupid he was to get the point too long.

As they let the events slip off their minds, they took a new journey again. A new morning passed and Carter is somehow new to the place. The mosquitos are attacking him in every exposed spot his body has, and it gave him mortified expression as he saw Connor on the other hand — he doesn't even bother. "Why the hell are these mosquitos not swarming you?" He hissed, scratching his body here and there.

"I don't know, maybe the sunblock is also a repellent," Connor nonchalantly shrugged. However, he was forcefully dragged back by the strap of his bag. He almost fell backward but Carter got him.

"What's wrong with you?! Don't just pull me like that!" Connor defiantly snapped then Carter gave him the 'why so dramatic?' face. "You could've killed me!"

"Just give me that damn sunblock," Carter replied. When he successfully opens Connor's bag, he digs his hand inside and took the hand-sized bottle. He stopped on his track and spread the white liquid all around the exposed parts of his skin.

Meanwhile, Connor just blabbered something and left Carter there alone. He heads west even though that's where the creatures' tracks came from. He assumed that those are nocturnals and probably won't get out of their nest if it's morning. Yet, he forgot that when they got to this island, the next day of that was traumatizing. They had a girl who was very injured and the moment they were distracted, the girl vanished. Only her remains were on the sand, blood splattered around.

He advanced and advanced, not knowing the kind of danger he will face as a medium size figure of the hooded lizard-like creature was standing a few meters from him, busy eating another animal. Once Connor got the last step, he found himself at the back of a juvenile unknown creature they used to be scared of. It has no horns yet... And weirdly, it's not eating ravenously, instead, it's eating like it doesn't want the meal served in front of it.

Connor glared at the sight. For some reason, he stepped one closer. That's when the creature finally notices him. Connor froze but amidst that, he saw the entirety of its situation.

The creature was being swallowed alive by a very huge snake. It wasn't eating the food Connor thought about, it was trying to pry off the snake around it and it was clearly futile.

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