Beauty School Drop Out

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Author's Notes:

Eddie's heard from Dustin that Steve is great at doing hair.


Steve has a small meltdown because he doesn't want to mess up his boyfriend's beautiful long curls.

Rating: FLUFF

"I don't know why you're trusting me with something like this," Steve spoke as he crossed his arms with intense worry building inside his chest as he looked over at his boyfriend, Eddie.

Eddie looked cool as a cucumber, no doubt in his mind at his idea, as he leaned against his kitchen counter. He smiled over to Steve, with big saucer eyes more expansive than ever as he encouraged, "You got this, babe. Dustin wouldn't shut up about how great you are with hair."

"Yeah, styling hair, Eddie. I'm in no way capable of cutting hair. Especially not your hair." Steve whined as he brought his fingers up to Ed's locks. He started twirling his fingers in the curly mess. The curls he grabbed ahold of were healthy and thick. "If I cut these beautiful curls, I might fuck up your hair big time."

"I believe you'll do just fine," Eddie spoke, taking ahold of Steve's hand that played with his hair. Steve let go as Eddie brought his hand to his lips. The metalhead kissed the back skin and then placed his cheek on it as he spoke next. "If I didn't trust you could do this, I wouldn't be asking you."

Steve sighed as he started to nod reluctantly. If he fucks this up, it's not his fault. Eddie is the one who kept insisting that Steve cut his hair.

"Good, good." Eddie smiled as he dropped his boyfriend's hand. "I want you to wash my hair first."

"I'm not hopping into the shower right now. Wash your own hair, Munson." Steve scoffed.

"No, dingus. I want you to wash my hair in the sink. I don't want to get into the shower right now either."

"Dingus?" Steve questioned as he raised an eyebrow. "Did you get that from Robin?"

"I did. I quite like the insult. It has a certain ring to it that dipshit doesn't have." Eddie smirked.

Steve's mouth dropped open as he laughed, "You were planning on calling me a dipshit?"

"Maybe." Eddie shrugged his shoulder's with a chuckle.

"I wouldn't insult the person with the scissors in their hands, Ed." Steve evilly smirked as he started making cutting noises with the scissors.

Eddie apologized at once, causing Steve to cackle. It's not like he'd ever do anything that mean on purpose to Eddie. Eddie's hair was the reason for Steve's existence. Not really, but yes, the reason for Steve's existence.

"If I do this correctly, you owe me more than a kiss," Steve stated as he turned on the water in the kitchen sink.

"More than a kiss?" Eddie wiggled an eyebrow.

"No, not that." Steve huffed. "You owe me a date. A real date."

"We go on real dates?" Eddie backed up, surprised.

"Making out after a joint on top of Skull Rock is not a date, Ed." Steve deadpanned.

"What would you like to do then?"

"I want you to take me on a picnic on the shore of Lover's Lake." Steve smiled as he ran his hand under the faucet to see if the water was warm.

"Sure." Eddie nodded. After, an idea popped into his head, he smirked, "Can we go skinny dipping after we eat?"

"We'll see." Steve winked. "Now, get over here. The water's ready."

Eddie then took off his leather jacket and vest. He sat on a dining room chair in front of the kitchen sink and leaned back so his head was under the running hot water. Steve immediately put his hands in Eddie's hair and started to make sure his hair was thoroughly wet. When it was, Steve squirted some shampoo in his hands and then began to massage it into his lover's scalp, lathering his hair entirely. Eddie made sure to moan a little at Steve's touch, which caused Steve to lightly smack Eddie's head. Each time this happened, Eddie would cackle and make some joke like "hit me harder, baby," which would lead to more protests from Steve.

After Eddie's hair was conditioned and rinsed, Eddie sat up. Steve put a towel onto his head and began to dry off the boy's jungle of a mop. Eddie giggled at this sensation. The towel-drying pulled his neck from side to side and caused his head to shake slightly. Steve was going a little too hard with drying his boyfriend's hair.

Once Eddie's hair was dried, Steve stepped in front of him and bent down so his face was leveled with Ed's. "Please tell me now if you want to change your mind."

"I'm not changing my mind, Stevie." Eddie grinned.

Steve rolled his eyes and walked over to grab the scissors. After walking back and taking a deep breath, Steve began to trim Eddie's bangs. Steve went slow, so the cuts turned out smooth. "Comfortable with the length?" Steve asked after every few cuts. Finally, Eddie told him, "Yes, babe."

When Ed's bangs were cut, Steve moved on to the back. He took off about an inch. That's what Eddie wanted. Once this part of the haircut was done, Steve plugged in Ed's blow dryer and started to dry his work. When it dried, Steve's heart melted. Munson looked adorable.

"I told you that you could do it, babe!" Eddie congratulated him as he took Steve's face between his hands. He then lifted the jock's head and planted his lips onto the other's mouth. The kiss wasn't long, but it wasn't necessarily short either. They caressed each other's mouths slowly as their breaths hitched at the passion they had for one another.

Steve was the one to pull away first.

"Maybe I shouldn't have dropped out of beauty school after all," he stated, looking at his masterpiece atop Eddie's head.

"You went to beauty school?" Eddie questioned genuinely.

"No, loser." Steve giggled.

Eddie bit his lip and then bent down to peck Steve's lips again as they both smiled.

"Does this mean I get to skinny dip with you at Lover's Lake?" Eddie quizzed after their second kiss had ended.

"Only if you make PB&J sandwiches for our picnic," Steve spoke with a raised brow.

"You've got a deal, babe." Eddie agreed as he leaned in to connect his boyfriend's lips once more with his own.

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