Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go

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Steve has an early morning for work.


Eddie doesn't want his boyfriend to leave him in bed all by himself, untouched.


As the sun began to rise in Hawkins, Steve Harrington's alarm began to blast through its small speakers on his nightstand, well, Eddie's nightstand- but it was his alarm.

Steve cracked open his eyes, trying not to let the sun blind him. He's only 19- he needs to save his retinas. After a few minutes of adjusting to the light and turning off his alarm, Steve finally opened his eyes, following a yawn. He sat up a bit and rubbed the sleepiness away the best he could. When he felt like he got the job done, he turned to look down at Eddie- his snoring boyfriend with a messy bedhead. Steve smiled and rested his hand on Eddie's head as the metalhead slept on his stomach. When Eddie didn't move, Steve started to massage his fingers on his scalp.

"Mmm." Eddie hummed as a smile crept onto his face.

"Morning, babe." Steve softly spoke as his fingers continued to scratch at Eddie's head.

"Mmm." the metalhead hummed again as he leaned into the message.

"Does this feel good?" Steve chuckled.

Eddie nodded.

Steve then rolled over, almost laying on top of Eddie. He continued to massage the rocker's scalp as he began to kiss Eddie's shoulder. After leaving a few kisses, he slowly moved down Eddie's back. Steve went all the way down Eddie's spine, to his back dimples, to his hips, until he left a wet kiss right on Eddie's right ass cheek since the two were naked from... previous actives.

"Shit, you're going to make me go for round 4 if you kiss me there again," Eddie spoke into his pillow. He felt Steve smile as Steve kissed his left cheek. Eddie chuckled as he rolled over, making Steve spoon him from the back. "Was that an invitation?"

Steve moved from Eddie's side so he could straddle his boyfriend. Now that Steve was sitting on top of Eddie, he smiled and dipped down to kiss him. The kiss was nice and sweet due to Steve pulling away as soon as Eddie licked his bottom lip.

"Why did you pull away?" Eddie pouted, squeezing the jock's sides. This made Steve giggle. "God, I love your laugh." Eddie smiled as he pressed again.

"Stop, stop!" Steve spoke as he lazily slapped at Eddie's chest. Eddie stopped but left his hands on Steve's hips.

"Why are you teasing me, Harrington?" Eddie then sighed. "You wanna kiss all over me but then won't let me touch you." the metalhead spoke as his hands slowly moved to Steve's front side, towards his groin.

Steve grabbed Eddie's hands to stop him.

"I've got work, Ed," Steve spoke sternly, but that only made Eddie smile more.

"Don't be so serious, sweetheart. I can be quick." Eddie spoke, biting his lip as his hands started to trail down even more.

Steve gripped Eddie's hand again.

"Eddie Munson, I'm warning you. I have work. I can't be late again today." Steve warned.

Eddie rolled his eyes and huffed, "You and that stupid job."

"That job is what pays for our food." Steve laughed as he got off of Eddie and out of bed ultimately.

"We don't need food. I'd be okay with you and only you for the rest of my life." the metalhead spoke as he sat up, pulling the sheets over himself.

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