"O" Christmas Tree

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Eddie and Steve are decorating Eddie's trailer for Christmas. 


The two boys get a little too excited about spending the holidays together. 


"I think that bulb would look better over here, babe." Steve tried to speak as nicely as he could while moving the sparkly red plastic bulb Eddie had just placed onto the Christmas tree in his living room to the other side.

"Why do you keep moving my bulbs, Harrington?" Eddie asked, cocking his hip out. The poor boy couldn't seem to do anything right today. First, he burnt the cookies, then he made the two hot chocolate with expired milk, and now he needs help hanging up the tree decorations.

"It's just- why don't we have some of the color red on this side of the tree?" Steve smiled as he motioned to his side. "You kind of... clumped... all the red bulbs on your side. It might look better if we spread out the color."

"It would, wouldn't it?" Eddie rolled his eyes as he turned to the box filled with Christmas bulbs.

"Hey now- there's no need to turn into the Grinch." Steve chuckled as he shook his head at his annoyed boyfriend.

"I'm not turning into him, Steve; I am him." the metalhead was so severe when he said this, yet Steve couldn't help but laugh.

This time of year was Steve's absolute favorite. Why? Because everyone (well, almost everyone) had a smile, the air seemed to kiss his cheeks, and the music made him forget about all the horrors of the Upside Down.

"Don't laugh at me, Steven." Eddie stomped with his hands balled into fists. This only caused the jock to laugh more. "You're ridiculous." the rocker huffed as he turned and started walking to the kitchen to grab a beer. That could put him in the holly jolly mood his boyfriend seemed to be in today.

"Oh, Eddie-" Steve sighed with a smile as he followed the long-haired man. "-I didn't mean to make you upset. I just wanted to spread the colors around the tree, that's all."

"Yeah- that's all." Eddie huffed as he opened the fridge. After, he opened his beer bottle and began to chug.

"Hey there tiger-" Steve spoke as he grabbed onto Eddie's beer. "-slow down. I don't want you upset and drunk while we decorate your place."

"Well, this seems to be the only remedy of the Christmas spirit for me."

"Why is that?" Steve asked, his smile now fading into a frown.

"Steve- Christmas has never been something that brought me joy. All it's ever done for me is bring me sadness and false hope." Eddie sighed, cocking his head to the side as he looked over Steve's face lit up in the pale moonlight shining through the kitchen window. "My folks were never there for me. Instead of Christmas trees, Christmas Carols, hot chocolate, holiday movies, cookies, and gifts from Santa Clause- I got "get your ass out of bed, Eddie and help us sell some drugs"- yeah, that's what I got on Christmas." Eddie's lip began to tremble. "I just wanted this Christmas with you to be perfect, like you're used to, but I keep fucking it up. I'm making this the worst Christmas for you and me. I'm so sorry, Steve." The metalhead's shoulders slumped as he tried to hold back his tears.

Steve grabbed either side of Eddie's face with his cold hands and held onto him tight. "Eddie-" Steve started. "-I'm so sorry you didn't experience Christmas as a child. I had no idea you went through shit like that. I didn't mean to pull you back into the place, but babe- baby-" Steve softly sighed the last word, "-just being here with you is the best Christmas ever. You aren't ruining anything."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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