(Don't Fear) The Reaper

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Author's Notes:

Steve and Eddie are caught kissing by Jason Carver.


Steve and Eddie are terrified the town will come for them with pitchforks and threats when they find out about the boys' relationship from Jason's loud mouth.

Rating: SAD

Extra Warning: This chapter contains a few slurs and even a panic attack. Please be prepared as you go into this update. If slurs or panic attacks make you uncomfortable, just skip this chapter all together.

"You look so beautiful, sweetheart." Eddie cooed as his eyes ran down his boyfriend's body. The jock across from him was wearing a white button-down shirt tucked into black slacks. The outfit was pulled together with black loafers, a gold chained necklace, and hair slicked back with gel.

"You think so, Ed?" the boyfriend asked as he did a little spin to show off his entire outfit.

"Harrington, you've never looked more beautiful than you do now," Eddie whispered as he held out his hand. Steve took it, and Eddie immediately pulled him close. Their faces were inches apart now. Steve's cheeks turned cherry under Munson's gaze. This only caused heat to pool in Eddie's stomach. The metalhead's eyes slowly started to look down at his boyfriend's lips.

"You can go ahead and kiss me," Steve whispered. "I won't bite... yet." he teased.

Eddie bit his lip to hide his laugh as he dipped his head to kiss Steve. When their lips connected, the familiar spark the two always felt ignited almost immediately. The heat flowed through their bodies and caused them to shiver in anticipation of tonight's date. Even though the two were dressed up nice, Eddie in a black button-up, black jeans with no holes, his leather jacket, and black slip-on shoes; they weren't going anywhere fancy. They were headed off to Lover's Lake for a picnic.

The two could only go to places like Lover's Lake or Skull Rock because those were the only places they could go on a date and be able to be affectionate. Hawkins, the town they lived in, was not an accepting place for gay people. So, everything the couple did had to be done privately. The only person in all of Hawkins that knew about their relationship was their mutual friend Robin, who was a lesbian.

"You ready to go, sweets?" Eddie asked after releasing Steve's bottom lip from his teeth.

"Yeah, Ed," Steve spoke, a bit flustered.

Eddie smiled to himself as he opened his trailer's front door. Steve then walked out, Eddie following, closing the door behind him. Once it was locked, the two got into Eddie's van. After the boys buckled, Eddie backed out of his yard and drove off.

The two held hands on Eddie's middle consul while the metalhead drove to their date at Lover's Lake. Steve hummed along to the radio, a gift Eddie let him have on their dates. It was a gift because Eddie only listened to metal and would never budge to change his tapes out for anyone unless it was for his boyfriend on their date nights.

About twenty minutes after leaving the trailer park, Eddie was pulling onto the shore of Lover's Lake. The two boys got out of the van and gathered their blankets, pillows, and snacks they had packed for their picnic. After everything was laid out, the two sat down and began to relax with each other. Steve's back was sat against Eddie's chest as the two looked out onto the lake.

"Want a strawberry, Stevie?" Eddie asked as he dipped it into chocolate.

"Yes, please." Steve nodded eagerly.

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