Put Your Head On My Shoulder

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Will has made a discovery; he likes Mike and not in a friendly way.


Steve and Eddie guide Will in his new found feelings for liking boys.

Rating: SAD and FLUFF

"Babe, put that down. You're going to ruin the pasta." Steve whined after Eddie had picked up the salt shaker for the millionth time. "You don't need that much salt. What we have in the water is perfect."

"But I like it salty," Eddie said as he cocked out a hip.

"Because your taste buds are absolutely ruined, dear."

"They are not ruined."

"Ed, yes, they are," Steve said as he walked over to the man, about to rip the shaker out of his ring-covered fingers. "So put the damn salt shaker down."

"Fine." Eddie huffed as he almost slammed the shaker down onto the counter.

"Did I hurt your feelings?" Steve almost laughed. He couldn't help himself. Their 'fights' were always over the dumbest of things. The other day they had a quarrel over whether the water in their shower was too hot or too cold when they hopped in together. Just yesterday, it was about whether a mug can be used for Eddie's cereal in the morning instead of cleaning a dirty bowl. Today, it was about whether there was enough salt in the boiling water for pasta. It was ridiculous.

"Yeah. You did kind of hurt them, Steve." Eddie frowned. Steve wiped away his smile as he pulled the metalhead in by his hips.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I just cannot eat that much salt, Eddie." Steve spoke kinder to his hurt boyfriend.

Eddie's lips tugged into a smile as he felt Steve's thumb tracing patterns into his hip bones. He could never stay mad at the jock. He was literally too gorgeous and too sweet for grudges. Eddie hated that. He liked to hold a good grudge.

"Can I at least pour the pasta in?" Eddie asked as his hands snaked their way up Steve's body until they landed, cupping the jock's jaw.

"Yes, sir," Steve spoke in a salutary context.

Eddie leaned forward and placed his plump lips to Steve's thin ones. They melted together ideally, like always. They've always fit into each other, even when they first hooked up before dating. They were like puzzle pieces, magnets, and Cinderella with her glass slipper. They were made for each other.

Steve pulled away first, as Eddie's teeth lightly bit his bottom lip to try and keep the jock attached. This made the jock chuckle. "Babe, we need to put the pasta in."

"Can't I just have you instead?" Eddie asked, lips attaching to Steve's neck.

"You can have me later for dessert."

"Can I bring out the whipped cream?" the rocker joked as he found Steve's sweet spot. Steve groaned from the pleasure that was ceasing as he pulled himself away with all of his might.

"If you stop right now, then yes."

Eddie popped off his neck with a smile. "Where's the pasta, sweetheart?"

"On the counter." Steve laughed as he shook his head.

Eddie grabbed the pasta box and began to shake the Penne pasta into the boiling pot. As the water turned down after a minute, the metalhead stirred it a little so it wouldn't stick.

"We've got twelve minutes." Eddie then spoke as he wiggled his eyebrows and walked over to Steve, ready to kiss his neck again, but the jock stopped him.

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