Tainted Love

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Author's Notes:

Steve and Eddie are the two ends of the spectrum when you think of high schoolers. Steve is a charismatic jock while Eddie is a cocky metalhead freak.


Steve and Eddie hook up on the down low, not wanting to share with their friend groups that they like each other.

(they are 18-year-old seniors)


"Where do you always go during lunch, man?" Tommy asked Steve as Steve gripped his backpack tighter, walking as fast as he could down the hallway of Hawkins High.

"None of your business, Tommy," Steve spoke, trying his best to get away from his friend.

"Are you hooking up with Nancy?" Tommy asked, wiggling his eyebrows, "If you are, there's no shame in that. You don't have to hide it from your best pal."

"Tommy, I'm not hooking up with Nancy. We broke up months ago." Steve rolled his eyes.

"Then what the fuck are you always doing during lunch?" Tommy pushed.

"Studying, Tommy!" Steve yelled as he stopped in his tracks and turned to the guy pestering him.

"Studying?" Tommy asked, not believing for a minute that what Steve had said was true.

"Yes, Tom. Studying. The coach said if I don't bring my D up in history, I'm off the swim team." Steve seethed.

"Oh, I didn't know you were failing?"

"Yes, because you don't care about anything other than partying, hooking up with girls, and sports. Life doesn't actually get good unless you're smart." Steve huffed.

Tommy looked hurt but quickly changed his frown with a smile as he said, "Don't strain your brain too much, Harrington." Then without another word, Tommy turned a corner and walked down another hallway.

Steve sighed, feeling bad for snapping at his friend, but it was the only way to get Tommy to leave him alone. So, without wasting another minute, Steve booked it to the library. When he reached the door to the most hated room in the school, he opened it quickly. After he entered, he shut the door just as swiftly. Steve looked around for a moment before almost running to the copy room. When the doorknob was in his grasp, he swung the door open, stepped into the small space, and shut the door behind him, making sure to lock it.

"Finally, Harrington. I thought I was getting stood up." A salutary voice spoke as Steve caught his breath from the adrenaline rush of trying to be sneaky.

"Sorry." Steve huffed as his chest fell quickly. "Tommy wouldn't leave me alone."

"God, that kid is obsessed with you." the voice scoffed.

"And you're not, Munson?" Steve almost laughed as he ran a hand through his perfectly styled hair.

"Obsessed?" Eddie, "The Freak" Munson, laughed as he hopped down from the copy machine he was sitting on. "Hardly," he spoke as his eyes ran over the jock's body.

"If you're not obsessed with me, why are we here? You can't wait to have me later?" Steve teased as he raised an eyebrow. "You know damn well I'll be over at your place tonight. So, why the need to see me twice in one day?"

"I like the thrill of getting caught." Eddie shrugged as a grin tugged at his lips.

"Oh, is that why you blew me a kiss today in gym class?" Steve questioned as he stepped closer to Eddie.

Steve and Eddie One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now