Night Fever

997 14 8

Steve and Eddie catch Chickenpox


Steve and Eddie take care of each other while they're sick while trying not to itch!

Rating: FLUFF (a little mature in some areas)

"How's work at the plant going, Uncle Wayne?" Eddie questioned as he sat on the stained sofa in his living room with a cup of coffee in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

"It's going," Wayne spoke with a cough, his orange juice going down the wrong pipe a bit.

"Has any work opened up for me yet?"

"No. They aren't going to be hiring again until December."

"It's July." Eddie deadpanned.

"Then I think you need to look for a different job, son."

"I don't know where else to look. No job that I can get will pay me enough."

"Isn't Steve's job currently hiring?" Wayne asked as he got up from his recliner.

"Yes, but I don't want to work with him, Wayne."

"Are you two fighting or something?" the older man asked as he put on his work jacket.

"No." Eddie sighed as he blew out smoke. "I don't think working with my boyfriend is a good idea. What if we get into a fight, or worse, break up? That's going to be really awkward. I'd rather find somewhere else that doesn't involve him... or any of my friends for that matter."

"I get that." Wayne nodded as he pulled the front door open. "Look for more jobs today, though, okay, Eddie? I'll talk to you about what you've found tomorrow."

"Alright. Bye, Uncle Wayne. Be safe... please." Eddie seemed to ask this now whenever Wayne would leave for work. After the Upside Down and Chrissy, Eddie's gotten a little more paranoid about everyday life.

"You know I will." Wayne smiled softly as he left the trailer.

Once the door was shut, Eddie leaned back on the couch to continue sipping his coffee. He found himself doing this every morning as he waited for Steve to wake up. Eddie figured he slept in late, but Steve was a different story. However, after about fifteen minutes from Wayne's departure, Eddie's head snapped over to the hallway after hearing a shaky, "Eddie?"

Eddie saw Steve standing in the hallway, hair a mess from sleep, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Eddie smiled softly as he got up, putting out his cigarette and placing his coffee mug on the table in front of the sofa to go and walk over to his tired boyfriend.

"Morning, sweetheart." Eddie grinned as he leaned forward and kissed his lover's cheek softly. He felt a burning sensation; at first, he thought it was the usual electricity that Steve made him feel, but he quickly realized it wasn't that at all. It was Steve's skin. It was burning up. "Steve, are you alright?"

"I don't think so." Steve practically croaked out.

"What's wrong? Do you have a fever?" the raven-haired boy asked as he brought the back of his right hand up to feel Steve's forehead. It was just as hot as Steve's cheek.

"I think so. I've got chills, I'm sweating, and I itch."

"Itch?" Eddie cocked his head to the side as his eyebrows furrowed together. "Like, where?"

"Everywhere, Ed. Everywhere."

"Did you walk through a poison ivy patch last night during our smoke session?"

Steve and Eddie One ShotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя