Paint It, Black

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Author's Notes:

Steve has always admired Eddie's confidence. He wants nothing more but to break out of the "golden boy of Hawkins" label and be his true authentic self.


Eddie paints Steve's nails in order to put more confidence into the boy.

Rating: FLUFF

(read the end note for an announcement!) 

It was a stormy night as Steve Harrington and his boyfriend Eddie Munson cuddled on Eddie's stained-covered couch. The two boys, having nothing better to do due to the storm, were watching some lame game show that their parents seemed to enjoy on Friday evenings.

"This is absolute shit," Eddie murmured as he traced patterns onto the back of his boyfriend's hand with his thumb. Steve chuckled at this comment, causing a ripple to run through Eddie's chest, feeling the boy shake against him. Steve's back was pressed into the metalhead's chest as they laid together in Eddie's living room. "Do you agree or...?" Eddie pressed on. He didn't want to seem like an ass for dissing a show his boyfriend might like.

"I agree," Steve responded as he watched the ridiculousness on the screen.

Eddie nodded as he brought his hand up to Steve's hair. He began tracing the same circles he was doing on Steve's hand onto the jock's scalp. Steve leaned into the touch and closed his eyes. He'd rather see the back of his lids than the TV anyways, so he didn't mind how relaxed he began to feel.

When Eddie repositioned himself so that one hand was in Steve's hair and one hand was being held by Steve's hand, Steve decided to speak up. "I love that you paint your nails, Ed," Steve whispered as he ran a finger over Eddie's nails. "The polish looks so good on you."

"Thank you, Stevie." Eddie smiled as he leaned down and kissed the top of Steve's head.

"When did you start doing this?" Steve questioned as he tapped on Ed's ring finger.

"I think my sophomore year of high school." Eddie shrugged.

"Why did you do it? Didn't you know you'd get bullied for it by Tommy, Jason, and... me?" Steve spoke, gulping as he said the last word. He could feel Eddie stiffen a little, but he relaxed when he felt Steve's lips leave a quick kiss on his palm.

"I did it because I wanted to. It didn't matter what people thought. As long as I liked it, I would keep painting them." Eddie spoke softly as he continued to massage Steve's head.

"Where did you get your confidence from?" Steve spoke in amazement as he continued to run a finger on Eddie's painted nails.

"I have no idea. Maybe I got it after performing on stage? People tend to boo when they hear something that isn't a mainstream pop song. I don't even care though, I just keep playing Ozzy. I guess that's where I get it from."

"I admire your confidence. I wish I had some." Steve sighed.

"You aren't confident in yourself?" Eddie asked, moving and pulling Steve with him. Eddie was laid back on the couch, with Steve straddling him, looking down at the metalhead. Steve's hands rested on Eddie's chest as he answered, "Not with the things I truly want to do."

Eddie frowned at his boyfriend's confession.

"What would you like to do that you are not confident about?" Eddie quizzed.

"I'd like to paint my nails too," Steve admitted. "They look good on you, so I want to see how I'd look with a manicure."

"We can make that happen," Eddie spoke as he sat up. He grabbed Steve's hips to keep him steady, so he could swing his legs down to the floor. Once his feet landed, he got up, hands cupping the bottom of Steve's thighs, so he was carrying the boy, and then walked himself into his bathroom. Once in there, he set Steve down on the bathroom counter.

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