10. A Chance Meeting

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Five Days Later

The Red Hood was the default to blame for the prison massacre, killing Stain, and almost killing All Might. All Might was out of the hospital. All he had was minor bruising and a broken rib. Which was a miracle for how close he was.

Bakugou went back to see Midnight again. During classes, he returned to his old explosive self. Everyday after school, he had met up with Uraraka to devise plan to capture the Red Hood.

Bakugou thought of it as his redemption for not being able to help Izuku. He may have taken many bad people off the streets. But he still is a murderer.

Uraraka wanted to help him because she felt the exact same way about not being able to help Izuku at the camp and she didn't want Bakugou to hurt himself.

While they were busy trying to find him, the Red Hood was playing a game of hide and seek of his own.

"Freeeeddddyyyyy" The red hood said menacingly as he walked in a large meat locker with hooks hanging. While walking, he rubbed his hands on the chains as he walked passed them, making a metallic clinging sound. "Found you!"

The Red Hood called out as he punched through the top of a wooden crate. He could've just lifted off the top off. But he just had to be a drama queen. He ripped Freddy out of the box. It was the same Freddy from his meeting.

"Please, forgive me." Freddy begged as the red hood had him pinned to the wall.

"What was my one rule?" Red Hood asked.

"Please just let me go. Give me another chance, please" Freddy begged.

"Tell me!" Red Hood yelled picking him up but the collar of his suit by one hand and walked him over to the conveyer belt. "What was my one rule!?" He asked setting him on the belt and starting it.

"Dont sell to children!" Freddy cried out making the Red Hood stop the conveyor belt before Freddy was about to be sliced by the machine.

"There, see. I knew you knew the answer" Red Hood said calmly as he poked Freddy's nose. "But unfortunately, I gave you one chance and you fucked up" He said starting the belt again.


Ten Minutes Ago

"Are these really necessary?" Uraraka asked while wearing jeans with a black hoodie and sunglasses.

"Just because we have our provisional license, we can actually get in trouble. Now follow me" Bakugou said as he led Uraraka down an alley. He stopped at the corner of the building and peeked out to see Freddy running into a factory. Behind him was the Red Hood walking like a menace.

"He's shorter in person" Uraraka said peeking over Bakugou's shoulder "how did you know he'd be here though?"

"I didn't. It's just luck or bad writing" Bakugou answered.

"What?" Uraraka asked.

"Follow me" He said running across the street.


Red Hood walked out of the factory wiping blood off his mask.

"Fuck that was gruesome even for me" He said tossing the rag to the side. Taking one step further, he unholstered his gun and turned to see a Bakugou flying towards him with a scowl.

Bakugou led with a right hook. Which Red Hood easily countered by grabbing his wrist and punching him square in the face. He could hear a set of footsteps rushing at him. So he went to turn and counter. But he just froze, allowing Uraraka to tap his shoulder.

Bakugou set off and explosion, sending him into the air. Uraraka went to help Bakugou up, which he actually accepted.

"OH my goodness gracious. I've been bamboozled." Red Hood called out as he floated in the air.

"I'm here to kill you" Bakugou yelled up at the floating man.

"Is that so? Then I check out this babie" He said taking something out of his utility belt. He let it drop to the floor. The object was a smoke pellet. Both Uraraka and Bakugou lost vision of the Red Hood. Bakugou went to set off an explosion to clear the smoke.

But he was forced to the ground. He couldn't move. His hand was pinned behind his back as he laid on his stomach on the pavement.

"I know what your trying to do. Don't even try it. Also send a message to All Might for me. Tell him not to look into the League of Assassins. Also, stay away from her. All you're doing is putting her in danger." The red Hood whispered into Bakugou's ear. The voice made him freeze. It was unlike before.

It felt like if he didn't listen to him, he would've put an end to him right there.

"Bakugou, you ok?" Uraraka asked pulling Bakugou up with her quirk. Bakugou looked around to see that the Red Hood was gone.

The Hood | Part 1Where stories live. Discover now