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The rest of the lessons went by quickly. She had to go to the library to have her math lessons with Max but she made sure to stop by Mrs. Friedman's classroom on her way out.

"Good morning, Mrs. Friedman." Danielle said after knocking on the door and entering the classroom. The teacher answering her with a smile and gesturing for her to sit down. "I wanted to talk about Maxine Mayfield." Dani said making the teacher look up from her paperwork.

"Maxine?" She asked raising her eyebrow at her

"Yes. I know that her grades are going down. I am her math tutor. And I swear that she can do maths. She has just went through so much after Billy's death and I'm sure we can all feel some compassion towards that." Danielle said as the teacher nodded in agreement "Please, can you give her some extra math exercises? I can't let her fail maths and I know that with some more time than a test takes she can find those glimpses of concentration to solve these problems." Danielle said finally finishing her monologue. It was the 1980s teachers didn't care about mental health much, so she knew that only mentioning the trauma and the mental impact of it wouldn't work.

Mrs. Friedman though for a moment before responding "Alright, come to me tomorrow and I'll have those exercises ready. And we can forget about all the Fs from recent tests. But remember, Danielle, it's only because I trust you." She said making Danielle nod energetically and thank her millions of times.

"I'll be here tomorrow! Thank you!" She said one last time as she ran to the library.

The time of their extra math class finishing was slowly approaching and Max finally decided to confess to Dani "I got another F." She said and Dani sighed lightly looking over at the redhead.

"I know, Max." She said making the younger girl look up in surprise and a bit of frustration as if Dani was about to be scolded by her "I vouched for you to Mrs. Friedman. She'll give me some problems that you'll have to solve and she won't confront you about your Fs anymore." Danielle said seeing that Max was confused and the emotions inside of her were completely mixed up.

After a moment of silence Max forced a small smile onto her face and said "Thank you, Dani." making the older girl smile genuinely.

"You don't have to thank me. I know it's been hard on you. Everything that happened is horrible beyond imagination and teachers don't give a shit. I can't let you fail because they have no humanly compassion in them." Danielle said and put her hand on Max's shoulder in a comforting manner.

She could understand Steve now. Danielle always teased Steve about being a mother and taking care of so many children but now that she was Max's tutor and saw how affected she was by Billy's death she couldn't help but try to protect her. Dani felt like a big sister, she wanted Max to finally have someone she could rely on but didn't want to force it upon her. She was already worried she overstepped some boundaries but Max didn't seem that angry at her for her help.

"See you on Monday, okay?" Danielle said as she started to pack up her bag and Max did so as well before stopping for a second.

"I really appreciate it, Dani." She said before giving Danielle a quick hug and then putting her backpack on her one shoulder and walking out.

Danielle smiled and waved after Max even though the redhead was already in her own world. This hug and these words were the best reward she could ever imagine receiving for her help. She walked out of the library smiling.

Steve was at work so he couldn't be there to calm Dani's nerves before her meeting with Robin and listen to her panic over every single detail. So Danielle invited Eddie.

"But what's wrong with your outfit right now?" He asked gesturing at her as he laid down on her bed supporting his head with his hand as he leaned back on his elbow.

"Are you serious?! I'm wearing Steve's sweater with our high school's logo! How can I wear that to meet Robin?" She asked full of frustration at how hard it was to just decide on one outfit.

"Alright sorry, m'lady, everything is wrong with this outfit and I deeply apologise for ever thinking otherwise." He said putting his fist on his heart gesturing that it was his fault jokingly. He couldn't keep serious for long and ended up laughing but Dani joined in. It really released some tension.

"Okay, I think I know what to wear." Dani said as Eddie politely turned around at that comment additionally closing his eyes and covering them with his hands.

Dani put on her colourful button-up with an asymmetrical square pattern and a regular pair of jeans with a black belt. She put on some colourful and silver necklaces, added some small hoop earrings and let her hair stay natural. "You can turn around now. Does that look okay?"

Eddie quickly turned around and immediately gave her a thumbs up. "Perfect, doesn't immediately scream date, but is different from what you wear to school."

"It's not a date, Eddie!" Danielle said trying to sound convincing but they both knew that Dani secretly hoped it was going to be a date.

At that moment the doorbell rang and Eddie immediately jumped up to the window. "You sure it's not a date?" He asked raising his eyebrows and pointing to the girl standing at Dani's front door.

There she was. Robin holding a very adorable bouquet of flowers looking more nervous than ever.

ship names?? maybe?? 👀👀


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