TBTFTB-Chapter 2

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TBTFTB-Chapter 2

The next week went smoothly. No bumps in the road. Sarah was now officially my best friend. She made this official by buying us little star bracelets with the words 'besties forever'. It was rather cute. Mom accepted her into the family instantly, dad? Well dad doesn't even come out of his office because he has so much work.

It was lunch now. Sarah and I had lunch at the same spot from the day I came there. The boys haven't really bugged us much. I could feel the boy named Zayn take a special interest in me, and that scared me for some reason. His eyes always rested on me, no matter where we were. Sarah and Louis still flirted from a distance.

Sarah plunked down the usual cafeteria mush in front of me and sat down.

"So does it work Today for the sleepover?"

I nodded quickly. She smiled a huge white grin.


We chatted up some more before I felt a big draft of coldness beside us. I shivered, Sarah did not. We both looked beside us to see something rather surprising. The boys all stood there. I hadn't spoken a word to them yet. Neither had Sarah. My breath hitched in my throat. Sarah had turned red in the face, as if blushing deeply.

"Hello ladies." The boy named Liam said nicely.

His voice was normal, which surprised me. I expected it to be dark and scary. I looked to Sarah to respond and they all did to. I guess we all expected the loud one to speak. Instead she stood there paralyzed. I sighed.


They all flicked their glances over to me. I shuddered under their piercing glances. Their eyes looked almost... Red? That wasn't possible. I dismissed it instantly. They all looked back at Sarah. Except Zayn. Zayn did something bold. He sat down next to me, slightly pushing me over. I gulped and looked down at the floor. Louis sat next to Sarah, who still looked paralyzed. Gosh, it wasn't that amazing. I placed my hands in my lap and fiddled with my fingers. I could feel Zayn staring at me. Finally Louis broke the silence.

"So Sarah, are you busy tomorrow?"

Her only response was a small squeaky no.


I snapped my attention to the boy next to me. Somehow he had managed to get closer to me. He was inches from my face. The other boys payed no attention. Still focused on Louis's attempt of asking Sarah out.


Zayn smiled.

"What are you doing this Friday?"

Sleepover with Sarah. Yeah but Sarah will be fine with it. I wasn't sure about Zayn though. He really scared me.

"Im not sure yet."

Zayn's smile disappeared.

"I'll pick you up at 5."

Okay apparently I didn't have a choice in whether I went or not. Zayn and Louis got up almost instantly and they all left without another word. I looked over at Sarah who looked happier then a person winning the lottery.

"I'm going out with THE Louis Tomlinson tomorrow." She said in awe.

"Apparently I'm going out with Zayn on Friday."

Sarah squealed and ran around the table to hug me.

"Aren't you excited?!"

I shrugged.

"Well I didn't really ask for it..."

Sarah interrupted me.

"Who cares! It's Zayn... Freaking... Malik!"

I sighed.

He just had something off about him.


It was 5 now. I was at Layla's house, getting ready. She curled my deep brown hair and let it hand loose. I did a touch of mascara. Layla threw a dark purple dress at me. We were the same size so it would fit me. It was Wednesday. Perfect. I'd have to remember that when me and Louis were married with children. Haha. I slipped it on. My chest hung out a little but not so much that he would think I'm a whore.

I walked downstairs with Layla and we waited by the door. Finally after about 10 minutes, a car pulled into the driveway. I squealed. Layla pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek before there was a loud DING DONG. Layla opened the door and cautiously let Louis threw. It seemed like she almost didn't want to. Louis nodded at Layla and looked at me.

"You look... Beautiful." He mumbled.

I smiled and followed him out the door. Layla yelled to be careful. Wow thanks. Louis drove a Porsche. Are you kidding me?! He opened my door and helped me in as he climbed into the other side. He had been late so it was now 8 pm.

"So what are we going to do?" I asked.

Louis snickered.

"We'll it's to late for the movie I was planning, so how about a club?"

I nodded in agreement and we ended up at a down town dance club. The song 'I knew you were trouble' by Taylor swift was playing loudly, even from outside. Suddenly I felt like a rock was in my hand. Nope, just Louis freaking Tomlinson holding my hand. Only the most popular boy in our school. I sighed happily as we entered the full night club. Louis ordered 2 martinis for us. We were under age though. Huh. As if hearing my thoughts, he waved 2 fake IDs in the bartenders face. She nodded at us and got the drinks. I tasted mine slowly. The sweet substance soothed my throat. Louis hadn't even touched his drink. He was staring at me.

"Another one?"

I nodded.

After a couple more drinks, the room spun.

"Let's go somewhere else." Louis whispered.

I nodded slowly.


He held my hand and brought me out of the night club. Suddenly we were in the middle of a forest. We got there faster then even a car. Louis set me down.

"W-what's going on..." I asked cautiously.

"Don't worry. It will be over quickly."

Louis bent down and kissed my throat. Well this wasn't so bad. Well that's what I thought before I felt something sink into my throat and overwhelming pain engulfed me. Tears flowed out of my eyes as I struggled to push him away. I screamed for help but none came.

"Shh darling. It will be over soon." Louis's voice soothed me.

The world spun as I blacked out.


I got my girl. Now it's time for Zayn to get his girl.

•uh oh spaghetti-o• so what's going to happen?• I think we all know• I guess we will have to see•

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