TBTFTB- Chapter 35

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TBTFTB- Chapter 35


On a scale of 1-10, I was a 10 on the how-much-do-you-miss-Aristi scale.

My pain had eased away to the point where I could walk on my own without help from the boys. The blood had stopped flowing out of my wounds and the blood that had overflowed from my body had stained my clothing. Everyone would look back every now and then to check on me and reassure me that we were 'only a couple steps away from the house'.

"You'll love her. She's beautiful, smart, and kind. Her names Catherine." Louis ranted to his newly found brother, Cody.

Cody nodded and smiled, "I'm sure I'll absolutely adore her."

My first impression of Cody was bad. A huge bad vibe radiated off of him. He also seemed slightly insane. Unlike everyone else, I noticed Cody talking to himself sometimes and his eyes would always turn to a dark black, like a demons.

Probably cause he was one.

Budumm tss (drum noise).

"Right Niall?" Liam said, his eyes crinkling as he laughed at something I didn't catch.

"Sorry, what?" I asked, shaking my head.

"You okay mate? You seem sort of off." Liam asked, glaring into my eyes with concern.

"Y-yeah, I just really don't feel safe with that Cody guy in our group now." I said, looking away from Liam to look back at Cody.

Cody was glaring at Layla and Zayn, his eyes piercing into their backs as Zayn pulled the laughing girl into his chest as they walked. Cody's face seemed neutral until Layla and Zayn shared a small kiss. Cody's face turned into menace and I could see his fangs pleading to come out. Why was he mad?

"... And it's good for Louis, to get his brother back, you know?" I missed half of what Liam said, but I knew he was defending Cody.

I sighed and nodded.

"LOOOOOOOOKKKKKK, we're here." Harry smiles, dimples etching into his cheeks as he ran to the door of our large house.

Everyone followed, Zayn sweeping Layla into his arms.

Cody followed behind me, goosebumps trailing up and down my arms.

"Hey Niall-"

Cody's deep voice scared me so much, I fell backwards into Louis who coughed sassily before going into the house.

"Y-yeah?" I asked, trying to look bigger and stronger then I really was.

"I know you don't think highly of me, but I want you to know that I'm not here to make your life a hell, alright?" Cody clapped a hand on my shoulder like I was his bro.

"Um, alri-"

"What the hell!" Louis yelled loudly in the house.

"Didn't expect me did you?" An unseen voice replied to Louis in the house.

I quickly barged into the house with Cody closely behind me and was shocked and angry at what I saw I front of me.

Two thrashing female vampires were held by their hair by a very strong and tall male vampire.

All of them were familiar: Louis's girlfriend, Catherine, my lovely girl, Aristi, and the devil himself, Jason.

"Oh my! You're all here! Just in time for the show!" Jason devilishly grinned as he yanked the girls heads back.

They both screamed, and even though they were in pain, Aristi managed to look at me in the eyes and painfully smiled. I returned the smile before it twisted into a frown as I looked at Jason.

"You have to help them!" I could hear Layla whisper in Zayn's ear.

"Think about what your doing Jason. Just leave now and no one gets hurt." I tried to reason.

"Niall, Niall, Niall. Isn't my ex fiancée your now girl?" Jason yanked on Aristi's hair, earning a loud groan.

"DON'T TOUCH HER." I growled, my eyes meeting Aristi's.

I had a plan. I angled my eyes down to my hands, motioning Aristi to watch my hands. She nodded slightly.

"Oh so this one is yours." Jason grinned.

I quickly did multiple motions with my hands, hoping Aristi would catch on. Being my smart princess, she did.

Aristi twisted her head and opened her mouth.

"Yeah she is. Hey there's a reason she dumped you." I said, distracting Jason.

"And what's that?"

"You're an asshole." I said, just as Aristi bit Jason's hand, making him drop her hair.

Aristi pushed Jason forward as soon as he let go and stuck her foot out, so he tumbled over the couch and right in front of Louis, who we knew would do a lot of damage to Jason.

Catherine actually fainted as soon as Jason let go whilst Aristi ran straight towards me. I opened my arms as wide as they would go and Aristi's tiny body pressed against mine and her small arms wrapped around my waist. I almost purred like a cat; I was that happy.

"You son of a bitch." Louis growled as he lifted Jason to his feet by his ears.

"P-please." Jason pleaded.

It wasn't worth the pleading, Louis was much past the merci stage.

With a quick snap, Jason fell to the floor, dead.

Louis stepped over Jason's body and ran to Catherine. He leaned over and shook her, the girl coming alive in his arms.

"I missed you so much." Aristi mumbled into my t shirt.

"I missed you too."

"NIALL, you're hurt!" She said, pointing at the blood and rips in my clothing.

"I'm okay baby. I promise." I lifted her chin with my hand, looking into her gorgeous eyes.

Aristi got on her tippy toes and kissed me lightly.

Ahh, it's good to be home.

•THE STORY IS NOT OVER, TRUST ME• what did you guys think?• I know the chapters short, but I wanted the next chapter to have a fresh beginning•

Question of the chapter: What was your all time favorite part of TBTFTB, that you've read so far?

Song of the chapter: Where'd you go by: Fort Minor


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