TBTFTB- Chapter 22

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TBTFTB-Chapter 22


Death. It's not a pretty word, but it's a word that's used frequently. So delicate. Death. 5 letters, one word.

My death. That's what I felt as Sam kept talking to me.

I interrupted him.

"How did you know Liam?"

Sam grinned and leaned over so he was whispering in my ear.

"You mean, how do I know Liam?"

What did he mean? Liam's dead.

"No he isn't."

Oh crap, he can read my mind. WAIT. LIAMS ALIVE?!

"What do you mean?"

"Liam is very alive and well at my house."

I gasped and opened my mouth to scream, only to have it covered by Sam's hand.

"Now, now, now. Don't scream or Liam will die. Zayn won't like that, will he?"

I shook my head no.

"If you come with me now, I won't hurt anyone here and we can go visit the still alive Liam. If you don't, I will snap everyone's neck here and get my vampire buddies to kill Liam."

I nodded. This can't be happening again. What's with me and getting kidnapped?!

Sam nudged his hips into my back, pushing me forward.

"Better not scream princess." He growled, releasing his hand from my mouth then clamping it on my arm.

I moved with him, the funeral soon disappearing. No one even noticed my absence.

Sam pushed me faster and faster through the woods.

"What do you want with us?!"

"Stuff." Sam muttered.

Wow good to know. Suddenly, Sam stopped in his tracks and shoved me behind him. I couldn't see what was happening, but Sam was quivering from anger for some reason.

"Let her go Sam." A familiar voice growled.

I peeked around Sam to see Zayn.


It all happened so fast. Sam threw me with a tap of his hand, against a tree, making me dizzy and unable to stand. He pulled Zayn in a choke hold. Zayn struggled in the hold, but Sam was tough. He kept the hold until Zayn passed out from lack of oxygen.

"Zayjjdin." I tried to say his name but my head was in such a jumble from the impact of my back against the tree.

"Zaynnnnnnn lets hiem hgo." I muttered, still unsure of why I couldn't speak right.

"You've been paralyzed for a moment. Just long enough..." Sam smirked before pulling me on top of Zayn in Sam's arms.

I passed out.


I picked up the dresser and threw it against the wall.

"AHHHHHH!" I screamed with anger.

I snapped the bed post effortlessly and threw it against the wall as well, making many marks and bruises. My knuckles bled from all the times I had punched the door and wall.

"Listen you little bastard- if you keep throwing-"

I interrupted the vampire by throwing him against the wall.

Jason instantly appeared and pinned me to my bed. His fangs were out and his eyes were red.

"You little-"

"Jason." A formal voice spoke from the doorway.

Jason looked up, as did I, to see Sam. Jason scurried to his side. There was 2 bodies in his hands. He threw them to the floor.

"Have fun." He sneered, before shutting the door and locking it.

I scurried over to the bodies, smelling vampire and becoming curious.

Oh my god.

Layla and Zayn.

I shook their shoulders but both of them were fast asleep.

I am going to kill whoever did this to them.

•I'm so sorry I haven't updated! I can't update until Friday because Canada has spring break HOOT!• what's going to happen?• Kik me: ducksanddonkeys• love you all•

QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER: What would you like to happen in the next chapter?

Song of the chapter: Radioactive by: Imagine Dragons

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