TBTFTB-Chapter 24

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~Alright so 30+ comments on the last chapter, holy shi*.~ well you all had different wants of POVS but Jason won~ then I thought...I love you guys so much that I'm going to do almost every POV you guys requested~ :3 thank me later ;)~MAKE SURE TO ENTER THE CONTEST(last chapter?)~

TBTFTB-Chapter 24

JASON'S POV (oh crap oh crap)

Aristi looked at me with wide eyes. Her chest heaved up and down quickly. That's when I realized her maid outfit was awfully messy...

I looked at the guy named Niall. His blonde hair was messy and he was as well panting. Ok what was going on here..?

"Aristi?" I asked, waiting for some lame excuse.

"I-I-I...." She stuttered.

It was what I thought. I may have thought of Aristi as just a toy, but she was MY toy. No one else's.

I grabbed her shoulders and shook her roughly, my fingers digging into her shoulder. I slammed her into the wall, indenting it with a giant crack. Aristi whimpered and tried to shield her face. My anger got the best of me. It always did.

I raised my hand and clenched it in a fist, ready to smash it into her jaw, but I couldn't move it. I looked around to see Niall, looking angry as ever, holding my fist in his large hand.

"Let go." I growled.

Niall didn't look like he even moved, but suddenly I realized I was on the floor, and my jaw was sore as hell. I groaned and rubbed the soar past of my jaw before standing back up. Aristi was cowering in the corner. I moved towards HER for some reason. I don't know why, but I didn't want to hurt Niall. A part of me screamed to hit him, but the other part, the bigger part, refused to. Instead, it screamed to hit the girl who broke my heart. Psht, not actually, but I had to hit someone ( Not promoting woman violence here).

I kept advancing towards her, in long wide strides, until I bumped into something hard. It was Niall's chest. Gosh, I smacked my forehead with my palm, how was I so stupid? Niall used his vampire speed to block me from Aristi, when I could have beat him to her by using my vampire speed! Ugghhhhhh.

"Niall, move." I tried to keep calm.

"Calm down Jason. We don't want any trouble." Niall tried to reason.

He didn't want any trouble?! Then why was he trying to get in bed with my FIANCÉE?!

I felt the transformation as my anger grew, of my fangs sliding out and my eyes turning red.

Niall stayed calm, watching me, his arms crossed. How could he stay so calm?! I had watched my transformation in a mirror once, I was f**king scary as a vampire!

I shoved Niall, but he didn't move. That's when I made a bold move. I punched him straight in the stomach. Niall let out a small groan, but refused to move.

"Stop Jason." He mumbled.

I rolled my eyes and landed a blow to his ribs. He still didn't move! What was his problem?!

"One last chance Jason." He barely whispered.

I chuckled darkly as I landed a kick to his chins. Niall fell to his knees in pain. I snorted and approached closer to Aristi. I gently cupped her cheek, earning a terrified shiver. Then my legs gave out from underneath me. I let out a yelp of surprise as Niall straddled me and landed a blow to my cheek, shoulder, and stomach. I coughed up some blood, clutching my stomach that now felt on fire.

Then the door to the room burst open.


I groaned and opened my eyes. The room didn't look familiar; in fact it looked like a dungeon. I felt an unfamiliar weight on my waist. I noticed it was a arm and screamed so loud, I think my own ears bled.

"BABE! BABE! IT'S ME!" The arm pulled me down against someone's chest.

The arm flipped me over so my face was buried into the chest, muffling my screams, only making me scream harder.

"IT'S ME BABE! ZAYN! YOUR ZAYN!" I looked up to meet panicked brown eyes.

Zayn. My Zayn. Keep calm.

"I'm so sorry I just thought...I had a nightmare...I didn't think..." I stumbled for words.

"It's alright." Zayn leaned down and gave me a quick butterfly kiss on the tip of my nose.

My stomach rumbled loudly.

"Ah is someone hungry?" Zayn's eyes crinkled with amusement as his hand slipped under my shirt and rubbed my stomach.

I burrowed my head into his neck. "Yeah."

"Lllliiiiiiiaaaammmmmmmmmm." Zayn whined loudly.

"Yes?" Liam's voice came from the small window.


Almost instantly, a cup of blood and a small loaf of bread was shoved in my face.

"Thank you Liam." Zayn gratefully said as I shoved my face into the food.

"Slow down babe." Zayn laughed, rubbing circles on my back.

I continued my rampage through the food. It was soooo good!

I finished the food and gave Zayn a kiss.

"So has anyone thought the same question?" I asked.

"What question would that be, princess?"

"Where's Harry and Louis right now?"

•ALRIGHT I KNOW IT'S THE SHORTEST CHAPTER EVER ON EARTH!• people wanted Jason's POV really bad so wala• someone wanted a Zayla moment really bad and I kind of had feels writing their part•

QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER: will you marry me? (Hahahhahaha)

Song of the chapter: Radioactive by imagine dragons (I'm not sure if I've used it before but I thought it suited Niall and Jason's fight)


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