TBTFTB- Chapter 16

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TBTFTB- Chapter 16


"Don't make me kill you." Tanner growled, his eyes glinting with red.

" I will not go out there unless you promise not to hurt the boys."

"You are such a little pathetic girl."

Wow what a slap in the face.

"Here's two special words for you, Tanner: fuck you." I said, my head clouded with anger.

Tanner grabbed my wrists and slammed me into the wall. Ohmygod that hurt.

"Tanner, don't hurt the girl. We need her. The group is coming nearer."

Derek put a hand in Tanner's shoulder. Tanner gave me one last glare before pulling me with him and Derek downstairs. I tried yanking away and digging my shoes into the floor, but I'm weak. Tanner opened the door to reveal silence. Not a single bird chirped, not a single branch broke. Tanner smirked and threw me to the ground in front of him. Derek shut the door behind us. I got to my feet and took a step forward but Tanner caught my wrist and instantly pulled me back to him. His retched smell invaded my nostrils, making me almost throw up. He leaned down, his chin on my shoulder.

"Where's pretty boy?"

"Screw you."

"You'd like that."

"I swear to god if you hurt Zayn I will kill you."

"I'm counting on it."

I jolted my elbow back into Tanner's stomach. He didn't even move. He laughed.

That's when I saw them. Zayn, Harry, Louis, Niall, and Liam. Coming out of the trees. Zayn lead them all. His eyes were dark red and huge. My stomach threw up with butterflies as his eyes met mine. They softened a bit and I could see he was fighting a smile. I was too, despite the circumstances. They moved closer, until we were about 10 steps away.

"I was wondering when you were coming for your Juliet, Romeo."

Tanner smirked at Zayn. Zayn let out a small growl.

"Why are you doing this Tanner? What have we ever done to you?" Harry suddenly spoke.

His voice made me jump, I hadn't heard it in so long.

"Nothing really. Well, nothing you would remember. How about you Zayn? Do you remember?"

Wait... What?


"... Do you remember?"

I looked at the beautiful girl in his arms. My girl. All because of the thing between us, Tanner had kidnapped Layla.


"But when we grow up, we'll be best friends forever, right?" The little boy whispered to me.

The boy and I, were only 7 at the times. At the age of 9 I was a vampire.

"Of course!"

I gripped him in a tight hug.

"Good because your my best friend."

"Same with you."

"Hello boys." We heard a light voice come from the doorway.

We turned our heads to see the orphanage owner, Mrs. E.



The boy and I screeched. We were in the orphanage together since the moment we were born.

"There's a couple here to see you."

She moved out of the way to show a woman and man who seemed to be in their late 20s. They smiled ear to ear when they saw us. We were the only kids in the orphanage, the others were adopted. The couple was beautiful. They looked rich, with diamond jewels and big fur coats. The woman smiled at me.

"Him." She pointed at me.

Mrs. E grinned and shook their hands. Tanner and I looked at each other, confused.

"Time to leave Zayn! Say goodbye to your friend."

It was then that we realized what was happening. We were being seperated. We clutched to each other.

"Zayn come on!" Mrs.E growled.

I refused to budge from my best friend.

"It's alight. You go sign the pages with Dana babe." The man said to his wife.

Mrs. E nodded and disappeared with the woman. The man turned to us. He had almost no hair and deep brown eyes. He scared me. I felt the boy next to me shake. The man came and reached down. He grabbed my small arm in his hand and yanked me into his arms.

"LET ME GO!" I managed to stutter out.

The little boy was pounding on the mans legs with his fists. The man kicked him away. He landed with an 'umph'.

"TANNER!" I shouted to my best friend.


I screamed and sobbed as I was dragged away from my best friend.


I now called that man my dad.

"You always get what you want! I got nothing! I was left at that orphanage like a piece of trash. You got everything. A family, a life, THIS GIRL!" Tanner shouted, shaking Layla.

I felt anger boil inside of me.

"Tanner that was a long time ago." I mumbled.

Tanner's eyes turned a deep red. Oh shit.

"Tanner, don't do anything stupid."

"You always got everything. You never loose anything. But guess what Zayn? Today, you are going to loose something."

His head leaned down as his fangs came out.

"Don't you dare Tanner! Please don't!" I shouted.

Tanner gave me a smile before digging his fangs into Layla's neck.


A deep pain infected my head as I felt two pricks in my neck. I screamed and writhed in pain. I felt blood coming out of my neck. Then I passed out.


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