Chapter 8.5 "Better Bushwhack The Jungle"

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                                                                       "Better Bushwhack The Jungle"

June 20th, 2040: Unknown Jungle Location

"This is fuckin' bullshit." Cameron grumbled, holding his rifle above his head to avoid it getting wet in the green, waist-deep water they were trudging through.

"Oh Jesus Christ, can you quit complaining! You've been at it for hours now!" Joseph fired.

"Hey! If it wasn't for your dumbass driving into that bog I wouldn't have anything to complain about!" At this point Sergeant Walker turned around and backhanded Cameron across the face, nearly making him lose balance.

"One more fuckin' word out of you and I will drown you in this swamp, got it?" Walker hissed, leaving a stunned Cameron to follow their very pissed-off squad leader.

"Hey Sarge! We got some land over here!" Up ahead Daric called out while standing on a piece of moss-covered ground.

"About goddamn time! I don't want to spend another damn second in this green shit." Walker quickened his pace with Cameron and Joseph following in toe.

"I gotta say though Sarge, these trees are...well, what the hell is it?" Daric strained his neck to look at just how tall these moss-covered trees were.

"Yeah, this place feels like what you get when you flood a redwood forest. These trees are insane." Joseph compared.

He wasn't wrong in thinking that. This place looked to be a hybrid of a swamp, mangrove and giant sequoia-style trees mixed in with elements of a jungle. Very reminiscent of several places Americans have had a very bad time.

The marines used their combat knives to trailblaze through the undergrowth as they forged ahead, the day wore on, Daric at the front held his compass flat with the needle pointing southeast.

"We're off course again." Daric slowly turned to face east once again.

"Jesus Christ, I feel like we're going in zig-zags." Walker looked around at the jungle. It seemed to just go on and on with the sea of green and brown.

"There was no way the humvee could have gotten through here." Joseph shot a look at Cameron who returned it.

"What? You trying to make a point huh?" Cameron huffed. "At least the humvee was warm and protected us from whatever is in this damn place."

"Hey sarge, weren't you in brazil for a training op?" expertly shifting the conversation Joseph turned his attention to Walker who looked over his shoulder.

"Yep, and oh boy was it awful. Nearly half of the soldiers got Malaria and we nearly lost two tanks because the drivers thought they could plow through a wetland. This place is practically the same with the difference of these massive trees." He pointed to one of the larger trees around them."

"Bet that was a sight to see." Cameron chuckled however Walker stopped dead in his tracks.

"You got a problem private? Cause I'm starting to get tired of your shit." Walker was standing in front of him with his drill sergeant side starting to show.

"I don't know Sergeant, it seems I'm not the one with a problem." Cameron smirked.

This was the snapping point for Walker. Grabbing Cameron by the collar he pinned him against a nearby tree.

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