Chapter 36 Everything And The Kitchen Sink

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"Everything And The Kitchen Sink"

September 12th, 2040, The Pacific Ocean

Throughout history, he and his sister had been given many names aside from their god-given ones. Zungon, Vervun, Xeizei, Irqek, Aqua-Vermis. Each had their own unique meaning, but the message remained the same. Stay away from deep water, or you will be consumed by the waters themselves.

Of course, you had the brazen bunch who, once in a blue moon, would tempt fate and venture into open waters. Only to never return... and those who did, retold stories that would make any emperor shiver in fear. A creature so vast that it could swallow an entire fleet whole.

Yet, even this did not stop everyone. The vessels made of a strange steel-like material were unlike anything he had seen, and the weaponry they employed! He had been struck by arrows, spears shattered against his scales, even cannon balls cracked. But these weapons were different. It... tickled, every time a shell landed on him. The accuracy at such distances! Fascinating advancements! But this was far from the only weapon these newcomers had. From screaming cylinders in the sky that breathed fire behind them, to slender and sleek cylinders in the ocean itself. And even these were not everything, the steel wyverns had also come to the fray, launching their own unique weapons at him before turning around and flying back with great haste to their parent ship.

Of course, none of these attacks did any real damage to him. His heart--a white gemstone, a gift from the gods themselves, made it so he had unparalleled regenerative abilities. Even when he went after one of these steel fleets head-on. The fearless mortals didn't stand a chance against him, yet they continued until their dying breath as they were swept beneath the waves.

Just as he thought this was all the newcomers could do, it happened. Silence, then, a white flash, followed by unprecedented heat and pressure against his body. It was absolute torture. Every time his heart tried to regenerate his burnt flesh, the heat would just scorch it again. Over, and over, until it finally dissipated into the surrounding air. He knew it came from the newcomers--it had to! The gods wouldn't smite him for carrying out his divine role, would they?

Yet whatever this new weapon was, it did not stop. Everywhere he went, a heinous ticking followed, and his entire body ached. It was only when he made a good examination of himself that he saw the massive gash in his body, but even more apparent, his heart. Either by blind luck or fate, they had landed the weapons right on top of his heart. And with it, the white gemstone was considerably dimmer than it ought to be. The deep, slow pulses of light emanating from it unleashed a wave of magic into the air that most mages would die from. Yet it did not heal him, only causing deep crimson-red veins to slowly branch out from the wound.

"These newcomers are more trouble than they are worth." He mused.

Yet even with the interminable ticking around him, he couldn't fail to notice a much softer noise from high above. A low-pitched hum from something he could not see but it was very much there. Watching him.

"Hmph, another toy from these mortals." As with all attempts after they injured him, he drove his head into the water at a steep angle, and rapidly began to swim to the bottom of the ocean. With the light from the sun quickly fading, he leveled himself out once it was near darkness.

However, unlike every other time he had dived and was met with no response by the newcomers, this time he could hear multiple splashes at the surface. Then, an ear-piercing ping rang through the water; followed by many more loud high pitched pings.

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