In Light Of Recent Events...

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Hi everyone, 

I wanted to come on here and talk about the issues in the United States. I am a citizen of the US and a woman so I feel almost a responsibility to discuss this. My demographic on this and others of my stories are people who are my age an age group younger, I don't even know a percentage of a few but it is mostly women or those who identify as one. I 

do speak of some stuff that may be hard for some people to read, if you disagree at the end of this for any reason and it is in support of the ban, then I ask you to please not comment. I do not care what you support or do not support, but as I will state there are readers who are very young and probably very scared about this can mean for them.  You do NOT know their life as you do not know my own, if you are going to hate on the opinions of this message then I will delete and block you. I do not need that kind of negativity around something that I have put time and effort into and do not want you supporting me.

 If you disagree with me, but have questions then I am more than happy to have a discussion about why I believe what I do but if you turn hostile then I will not entertain it. If you are not in support of my views as a person but believe that it is a choice that I may make on my own, then you are more than welcome to stay. 

I am sorry if this angers people that I have in other countries who may see it different than I do, but this is our reality as citizens in this county. If you do have questions about this could mean for uterus owners in this country than please do ask, but please do not push beliefs on anyone in my comment section. If there is any hate whatsoever towards other readers, than it will be deleted.

But this needs to be shared.

If you have a uterus and you are younger than I (I am almost 22), I am so sorry that this is what you are waking up to in the last couple of days. And I  know that it is scary, if any of you need to talk about this my DMs are open or if you want to talk on a different site that you feel safer on, I will be having Wattpad back on my phone and be willing to move to a different site. I do feel the need to let my fellow uterus owners know a few things that I am sure you have already heard: 

1. Delete your period tracker apps! They are collecting your data and are open to be taken as evidence. There is one that might not take your data and doesn't have any encryption on it so it's safe but it is only available on IOS right now. If you have that kind of device and you would like the name, let me know separately.  If you are using those apps to just track your period, that may be okay but DO NOT track when you were intimate. This is something that is important for us as women to track to protect ourselves but if going analog is not for you or you might forget, just don't track when you are intimate. 

2. If you are sexually active and buying things such as condoms or other reproductive health items, pay cash or if you are close to your parent/guardian ask them to buy them for you. This is so no one can track what you have bought. I myself have been using an FSA card my mother has to purchase these things because they won't pay attention to a woman who does not have a period anymore. I do not know if this goes for things like pads and tampons, but just add those things (pads/tampons) to the grocery list. 

3. Anyone who is male or does not have a uterus and you are reading this, I have seen some things across social media about what you may be able to do to help other than a permeant solution.  Something that might throw off the powers that be is downloading said period tracker apps and tracking your own cycle. This may sound ridiculous but it will throw off the data and help protect the women who still use those apps. Also please just listen to those in your life who know what they are talking about. Support them anyway you can. If you are a sexually active individual without a uterus, listen to your partner who has one. If they are uncomfortable, support them for the sake of supporting them and don't do it for points or whatever. 

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