Chapter Three

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After a while of sitting silently on my phone, the director comes through and introduces himself as Barry.

He gives us all our scripts and instructs us to quickly read through them before we find out who everyone else is playing. Being the main character, my name is read out first. "(Y/n) (Y/l/n) will be playing Jesse and Jesse's love interest, Damien, will be played by Jamie Campbell Bower". Upon hearing this, my face drops and I feel the world around me blur as I retreat to my thoughts.

"(Y/n)?" I hear an unfamiliar voice call as a hand rests on my shoulder. Zoning back in, I see a pretty woman staring at me with a worried expression on her face. Her chocolate brown hair is loosely resting on her shoulders and her hazel eyes possess a gentle glow as she maintains eye contact. "Oh, sorry. Who are you?" I quiz, realising that I have no idea who this girl is. "Oh" she chuckles "I'm Mia". At that, she takes her hand off my shoulder, stands up and reaches the same hand out to help me stand.

Gladly taking it, I walk with Mia to the table where everyone is sat whilst we go through our first rehearsal session. All throughout the session, I can feel Jamie's gaze piercing into the side of my head as I read my lines.

Once done with rehearsals, I begin to head back to my car when I feel a hand grab my arm and turn me around. Realising whose eyes I am looking at, I attempt to free myself from his grasp but he keeps a tight hold of my arm, definitely leaving a mark.

"What do you want, James" I spit, glaring daggers at him. "Look (y/n), I'm trying to be nice." He speaks in his somewhat posh accent "but it's really hard when you won't even look at me" he begins to get angry. Sensing his anger, I take a deep breath and speak in a calm tone. "I'm looking at you now, what do you want". He looks deeply into my eyes "I'm sorry for what happened with you and Maicey" I cut him off as I pry myself loose from his grip and enter my car. Driving away as he stands there, no emotions evident on his face.


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