Chapter Fourteen

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Waking up, I rub my eyes and find myself in Tyler's house. The switched off TV sitting infront of me reminds me of last night's movie night where I fell asleep half way through the movie. "Morning, coffee?" Ty says, holding out a cup of coffee. I gladly take it and begin sipping on the hot contents.

"Where is everyone?" I ask, noticing there's nobody in the room other than us. "Well, most people didn't fall asleep here but Jamie's in the kitchen, sitting on my clean counters and Talia's showering" I nod as I stand up, stretching my legs after sleeping on Ty's couch all night.

As I drag myself into the kitchen to get some food, I make eyecontact with Jamie and feel almost ill. "Morning, princess" Jamie teases with a smirk. "Disgusting" I groan as I shuffle over to the fridge. "TY! YOU'VE GOT ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO EAT IN HERE" I yell to the man who is still in the living room. "He does, you're just a picky bitch, love"

Turning around, I glare at Jamie. "Right, James, stop with the stupid fucking pet names. It's not funny or cute, it's honestly annoying" I state. He stays silent. Satisfied, I walk back to the living room and flop on the couch. "Ah, young love" Ty comments to which I respond by gently slapping his shoulder "not in love" I muttered simply.

Jamie walks through the room and tells us he's going home. As he walks, I can't help but stare, taking in every detail of him. Once the door closes, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Fuck" I mutter as I bring my knees up, resting my arms on them and burying my head.

"Not in love, they say" Ty laughs as Talia enters. "Hey, (y/n), you okay?" I shake my head. I lift my head slightly so I can see the two in the room and see Talia giving Ty a confused glance. "Well, Talia, (y/n) seems to have found herself in a predicament. You see, (y/n)'s arch nemesis, Jamie Campbell Bower, also happens to be their crush" Ty states. "(Y/n), please tell me he's kidding" Talia pleas.

I shake my head, confirming Ty's story to be true.

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