Chapter Five

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Today is the first day of actually attempting to act the scenes instead of sitting around and reading the scripts. That also means I have to spend hours pretending to be madly in love with Jamie.

Sitting in the main room, I chat with Mia until she glances behind me. Turning around I see the familiar blonde haired man. "I know you have some weird hatred for him but you have to admit that he's hot" Mia comments, referring to Jamie. Pushing her shoulder, I make a noise of disgust "absolutely not, Mia, he's so gross and lanky. No" I assure her. She chuckles before shrugging and going on her phone.

Honestly, I can see the appeal but he's really not my type. I don't go for friendship ruiners.

Barry leads us through to the set and we all get into place for our first rehearsal. In this scene, Jesse and Damien were supposed to awkwardly be having a sleepover since there was a storm and Damien didn't want Jesse driving home in it.

Meeting in the centre of the room, the couple awkwardly stare at eachother before Damien speaks first. "I can take the couch if you'd like" Jesse cuts him off "no, no. It's your house, I can take the couch" but Damien simply shakes his head. "You're the guest, you shouldn't be sleeping on the couch, seriously, just take the bed, I'll be fine".

In the finished production, a thunder crash would sound and Jesse would get scared. "Do you think we could both fit in the bed?" She asks timidly. "Probably" he would awkwardly chuckle and they would walk on opposite sides of the room to enter the bed. The bed is located in the middle of the room and the couple climbs in at the same time.

They lie for apart from eachother until another thunder crash would happen and Jesse instinctively moves towards Damien. He slowly wraps his arm around her and begins to play with her hair whilst she has her face pressed against his chest.

Then the scene ends, honestly I think it's a boring scene but it's supposed to get better as we develop it more later on in the production. Jamie and I quickly separate and climb out from the prop bed, awkwardly retreating back to our friends before quickly glancing at eachother.

"(Y/n)" Mia calls "my car just broke down and its out of fuel, any way you could drop me off at mine or anything. I live kinda far though" I contemplate for a moment before responding "just stay at mine. We look like we'll fit into the same sized clothes and I have a spare room"

Mia hugs me and repeats "thank you" a thousand times before we enter my car and I drive us home.

This will be fun.

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