Chapter Fifteen

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Ever since I told Ty and Talia about my developing feelings for Jamie, they haven't shut up.

"Oh, come on, (y/n) he definitely likes you back. Ask him out" Talia urges. "No way, absolutely not" I respond "he hates me". "HE CALLS YOU PRINCESS CONSTANTLY" she practically yells. At that moment, Jamie walks into the room, ready for today's rehearsal.

Tyler and Talia look at eachother before walking away, leaving me alone since Mia is ill today so she can't come in. I see the two chatting with Jamie and looking very suspicious. Jamie's face contorts into a look of pure confusion before we all get called on set. In today's session, we're practicing a choreography for a dance that the characters go to and, of course, me and Jamie's characters dance together and its supposed to be super romantic. Kill me now.

We all get into place and do a few slower run-throughs which almost all end up with me tripping over myself and falling into Jamie or standing on his feet. Eventually, the director calls for a break and I go to where my bag is. Sitting down, I begin to drink from my water bottle when I, once again, see the T duo talking to Jamie.

Giggling like schoolgirls, the two walk over and sit on either side of me. "Why are you being so weird about it, I told you guys not to let anyone know I like him" I complain. "We're not, Jamie's just so fun to be around" Tyler says, pretending to be in love. I role my eyes and go on my phone.

We go back to practicing and I get the hang of it so we speed up a bit. "Hey, I want to talk to you after this" I don't look at him until he nudges me slightly with the hand that he has on my waist as part of the choreography. "Fine" I state as I focus back on the dancing. We seem to practice a thousand more times until everyone can do the dance well enough for the director's standards.

As I go to pack my bag and leave, Jamie comes over. "Look, I know we have our differences and you completely hate me but I've seen that you, Talia and Tyler are friends. This is about them so can you please just look at me for once in your life, love" his voice slightly raises when he says "please" before lowering again. I slowly turn to him as I sling my bag onto my shoulder.

Looking into his oceanic eyes, I find myself unable to look away. "(Y/n), I just want to know if you know anything about why Tyler and Talia have been acting so...weird" he says in a serious tone. I shrug my shoulders "nope, they're just weird people" I begin to walk away.

"Darling" he says as he grabs my arm, forcing me to look back at him. He pulls me closer so I'm almost pressed against him. Jamie slowly brings a hand up and tucks some hair behind my ear as I stare intensely at the floor "we should practice that dance some more in our own time. You know, to make sure we get it down perfectly" with that, he walks away leaving me stunned. I get a text.

'Meet me at my house in an hour, darling'...Jamie

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