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With the coronation ceremony coming up everyone was busy.

Stress of the oncoming war bared over everyone's head. They couldn't bring themselves to be happy for the coronation even though it was a celebration that was to be remebered for generations to come.

Izuku on the other hand was completely unaware of the date change up.
He was still under the impression that things were going exactly as he planned it to.


"Killing them is getting boring now. We've already killed 703 knights and 150 of those Nomu things.

We should make things more interesting.
We've been sitting in the forest all this time, the queen won't come until a war is waged and by then it'll be a bit too late to crash the coronation ceremony"
Izuku's alter ego, which was pretty much just his second thoughts with negativity sprinkled in as a person, groaned.

"I agree.
Isn't this risky? What if there's things going on that we don't know about in the empire?"
Sirius mentioned as he landed on Izuku's shoulder.

Izuku let out an audible sigh, he too was getting tired of the rinse reuse repeat cycle.
"Then what should we do?"

"Haven't we been ignoring the empire for far too long...?
I mean, we've been focusing all our energy on the kingdom that we haven't bothered to check in and make sure nothing's changed you know?
It's actually kinda stupid that you haven't been checking in on the empire."

"The whole reason we didn't go to the empire for this long thus far is because I'm easily recognized and we decided to go to when the time to crash the ceremony came instead.

Besides, what about the empire could've changed in the month and a halfish that I've been missing?
They're preparing for a war."

"Alot could've changed don't be stupid."

"Fair enough.
But we have to wait right now anyways, Dabi is going to show up any moment now."


Speaking of, Dabi was quick to appear on scene.

What's the weekly report looking like?"
Izuku asked.

"Everyone is in panic including tomura himself.
They haven't been able to take you down and everyone they sent so far has died, even the Nomu creature they specifically designed to be difficult to take down.

They're planning to wage war on the empire as soon as they get the sword back but seeing as how they aren't going to be able to get the sword back it appears the empire might get first strike.

The queen dropped by for an emergency visit back from wherever she came from.
She said as soon as the empire was conquered that she'd stay here for the rest of her life.

She left however.


Tomura is getting frustrated and might come himself to try and take you down.
If that happens AFO will be joining him according to rumor.

Any questions?"
Dabi asked as he finished delivering all the info he read off a sheet of paper that he wrote himself.

Do you by chance know what the queen looks like?
The only description I have thus far is that she has long white hair."

Well she looks to be 5'0-5'3ish?
She really likes flowers from what I saw, she only comes here wearing flowery dresses and always has one on her left ear.
You're right, she has long white hair.
Her eyes are purple?

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