3 - The Travelers Trunk

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Outside the guest room / Inside -

The lavender-haired maid knocked on the guest room door. She opened the door holding the pot of hot water and walked towards a side table to place it down exchanging it for the cold pot of water. "Whatever happened to your eye?" The guest asked. "It's nothing" Hannah stated. "I'm impressed you can still perform your duties" He stated. A blonde head poked out from the doorway, Alois stood there tapping his foot with Ryoba not far behind him. His presence made Hannah shudder. 

"What are you doing here, Hannah" He asked. 

She turned her attention away from their guest and towards her master. "I came to change the water, my lord" She stated. Then watched as Ryoba stood directly behind their master and looked directly in her eye. "Hmm, are you sure you weren't trying to arouse this traveler's interest by wearing that silly bandage and acting pathetic for our guest?" He questioned while approaching her. Hannah lost grip of the pot of cold water as Alois held onto her by her hair. 

Ryoba quickly rushed to grab the pot before it hit the ground. 

"Get out of here, you tart!" Alois said while pushing her towards the door. Hannah fell to the ground because of the tight hold he had on her hair. The young lord kicked his maid a couple of times on her side. Hannah stood up and quickly bowed. She turned towards the door and immediately left. Ryoba then placed the cold pot of water on the side table. The door shut behind her and then Alois turned his attention towards Ryoba.

 "I'm so glad I have you Ryoba if not delicate material would've hit the floor and water would've been spilled everywhere" His Highness said. He quickly put his small arms around her waist and hugged her tightly. She hugged back until he let go. " Is she all right? " The man in the trench coat asked. "Who knows, I don't care she's such an embarrassment what is she thinking" The child spoke out. 

"My other maid however is rather impressive, isn't she?!" The blonde questioned in an excited tone his mood almost changing instantly. "Say... what's in that trunk of yours? Clothes? Sweets? Weaponry?" Alois asked. He quickly walked past the guest and towards the case. "I'm jealous of you, it must be fun to travel places. I want to try traveling, too. This mansion is so dull" He said. 

"Dull?" Their guest asked, a smirk making its way onto his face. 

"But I've been told there's something interesting underneath this mansion" He said. "Really?" The young master questioned. Alois was quickly intrigued and he began to lean on the case. "If you show it to me, I'll show you what's in this trunk. "Alois began to giggle just thinking of what could possibly be in the trunk. 


The Head maid opened the door leading to the basement in Trancy Manor. She held a candle stick in one hand and walked down the steps lighting up the place. Once she reached the bottom she let her lord walk on ahead. They passed by a couple of shelves until they came to a certain spot. "There, that's it" Their guest stated. "It's only tea" Alois said while grabbing it off the shelf. 

"It's a new moon drop, people say that tea leaves plucked on the night of the full moon give off a clear sweet smell, but these are the opposite, tea leaves plucked at a new moon" He explained. "They give off an indistinct scent" He stated. Ryoba began to zone out as she focused on the arousing smell from the tea... although, it wasn't tea. She put a hand to her head. "First, give me that trunk" Alois said. "Master" Ryoba spoke out. 

"Give me a moment Ryoba, I want to know what's in there!" The blonde exclaimed. 

"That's right, first you'll hand over that trunk" Ryoba heard Claude say from behind her. Golden kitchen knives were then thrown at their guest, his hat and trench coat tore off exposing his face and butler uniform. Ryoba's eyes seemed to widen for a moment, there was something she knew. "Sebastian Michaelis" Claude spoke out as he threw another set of knives. Sebastian put the trench coat in front of him. He took the opportunity of Alois being distracted and reached for the box of tea. Ryoba then placed the candle down on the floor.

Sebastian went to reach for it but then moved out the way, dodging a forceful kick from the Head Maid and successfully grabbing the small box of tea. "He's getting away!" Alois exclaimed. Ryoba ran after Sebastian, following Claude who threw more sets of golden knives. They were all dodged. "You mustn't kill him! I want him alive! Catch him!" The young master demanded. Claude threw two knives that would've hit the case if Sebastian didn't sit down and slide the trunk behind him. 

The knives that were thrown stuck out from Sebastian's chest. 

"Do you value that trunk above your own life?" Claude questioned. "Pity" He said. Claude threw plates at Sebastian but he grabbed the trunk evading the plates. Sebastian began to run away evading the attack but not noticing that the trunk opened up. "Ciel Phantomhive?" Alois questioned. "I finally have you, Ciel!" He exclaimed. "You're wrong about that" Sebastian said. He pulled two silver knives from his uniform and then threw them at Alois. The distance between Claude and Alois was too great causing Ryoba to stand in front of the young master. 

The two silver knives struck her chest. 

The Head maid's eyes widened. Alois gasped. "I won't let you touch him" Sebastian stated. "Someone as vulgar as yourself isn't worthy to come anywhere near this trunk nor will you ever be" He said. "What?" Alois questioned. Ryoba brought a hand to the knives on her chest, her breathing became unsteady and there was a feeling of discomfort around her chest. "Letting your shoes touch something that carries food?" Claude questioned. 

He watched as Sebastian used a cart to dash outside the kitchen. The Head butler looked back for a moment but decided to continue chasing Sebastian. "What kind of butler are you?" He asked. Blood began to stain the white corset underneath the maids uniform which spread to the turtleneck. She kneeled down starting to feel as if she couldn't stand properly. "Ryoba...?" Alois questioned carefully falling down on his knees in front of her. His hands began to shake as he saw how deep the knives were into her chest. 

She let out a groan in discomfort. "Yes, your highness-" She asked. "Will you... leave me?" He asked as tears welled up in his eyes. "No, of course not" She said while putting a hand around both knives. She quickly pulled them out. Alois put his shaky hands on top of where blood began to seep. "No need to cry. I won't leave your side, your highness. I'll recover from this. Any sacrifice is a worthy sacrifice if it's for his highness" She spoke. 

His face slightly scrunched up and tears came out of his eyes as he looked at his blood-covered hands. "Would you like to go to the main hall? I believe that's where Claude is" She suggested. "Yes... please" He said slowly removing his hands from her chest. Alois stood up carefully assisting Ryoba. 


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