18 - The Two Sacred Swords

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The Butlers rowed a boat as Hannah sang, Ciel's head was rested on Hannah's lap. Ryoba was standing at the front of the boat trying to look past the fog. Her long hair was swaying in the late wind, she looked around seeing half sunken boats and destroyed pieces of wood floating on the water. She turned around glancing over at Claude but then quickly averted her eyes when their eyes met. 

Sebastian had been looking at her, while she looked at Claude. 

For how long had it been that way he wondered. She always seemed to look at Claude but never at him, perhaps it's because she doesn't remember him... or because she doesn't want to. She wondered if this is the right thing to do, taking Ciel's side and becoming a servant alongside Sebastian. She had taken note of how Sebastian had always taken how she felt into consideration these past few months while they've been on opposing sides. 

How he didn't force information out of her, how he seemed to care when she got injured. She was suddenly reminded of the cloth he handed her when both of her hands were dripping blood, she was reminded of Claude's icy gaze and how different the two were. Ryoba was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts by Claude's voice. "What are the details of the contract? What does Alois Trancy want?" He asked. 

"That is a secret between my master and I" Hannah responded. "How presumptuous" Claude added. "However, I will give you one piece of information" She said. They then reached their destination. Both Claude and Sebastian stepped off the boat. Claude put his hand out to Hannah helping her off and Sebastian grabbed Ryoba by the waist lifting her up and setting her down gently. She smiled at his gesture. 

"My master does not want two of you to live, in accordance with his wishes and our agreement. One of you will end your life as a demon" She stated. "It will end when one of you claims victory and the contract between my master and I is fulfilled, when this has happened my master will agree to release Ciel Phantomhive's soul. And after that-" She said.

 "Hannah... what is to stop us from killing you? " Claude questioned. "My viscera will glow in noble blue... and your precious Ciel Phantomhive will come back to life" Hannah stated.


"This island of death is a sanctuary for demons... it seems your rage has left it in a rather pitiful state Sebastian, you should learn to control your temper" Claude said with a smirk. "You brought us here for a reason, what do you expect of us" Sebastian said. Hannah carried Ciel's body over to a lone stone seat. "This is an ideal location for a battle, you will engage in a duel between demons" She stated. 

They then turned and went to a cave full of large green rhinestones. Claude approached Ryoba. He knew that she had the sacred sword Banshee. It's a demon sword that collects the souls of those that have been slain by it, when you swing it you can hear the weeps of the dead. It's a controlled sword however, unlike Laevateinn which can be wielded by anyone who gets their hands on it. 

"Ryoba..." Claude called out. "I'm aware you're upset with me but I could use the sacred sword Banshee to beat Michaelis, I promise what I said was just out of anger it was in the moment. I didn't mean to upset you" He added. "Don't you see? This was just a test of the strength of our marriage" He said. Sebastian stuck closely to Ryoba and grabbed a hold of her hand went Claude grabbed her other one.

 "She chose me, stay out of our affairs" Claude warned trying to get Sebastian to let go. "Did she?" Sebastian leaned his head to the side making eye contact with Ryoba who shook Claude's gloved hand off of her. He scoffed then let go of her and exchanged a few words with Hannah. He then walked over to a rock and sat on it pulling Hannah into his lap. Claude began sticking his fingers into her mouth to pull out the sword Laevateinn. 

"The audacity that he has" She mumbled.

"Don't worry Ryoba, we will win our master back and I'll do what ever it takes to protect you in the process" Sebastian kneeled and gently grabbed her hand. The demon butler pressed his lips against the back of her hand. She put her other hand over her face as it flushed a pink color. Both swords have very similar names as they are known for killing demons. Once he pulled it out of her completely Hannah pushed Claude away from her.

 " No human weapon known is powerful enough to fatally wound a demon" Hannah stated.  "With that said, a wound caused by either of the two demon swords will never heal" She added. Sebastian stood up and the pair followed behind Hannah as she walked. "Two? Where might the second one be?" Sebastian questioned. Hannah pointed at Ryoba. "Inside of her". "Ryoba's conditions for wielding the sword are specific however" Hannah explained. 

"That's correct, the sword can only be removed if I permit it. It lets out a gruesome noise when swung. It hasn't been used for a hundred years because of that reason... but to help you save your master I'll allow it this once" Ryoba spoke. She looked at Sebastian in the eyes. "I will allow you to remove it, it will only function if you wield it so there is no possible way for Claude to be able to take it away from you without it weighing him down" She stated. "Very well, my lady" Sebastian said as he approached her. 

She was a little afraid of what might happen If Sebastian is the one who fails tonight. She opened her mouth as wide as possible making sure to catch a few quick breaths before head reached in for the sword. He wrapped an arm around her waist holding her steadily in place as he began slowly forcing his arm down her throat. Tears were building up on the corners of her eyes. She suddenly felt Sebastian's arm stop moving then seconds later he pulled the sword out. She coughed and began patting her chest. 

Hannah then walked towards Sebastian and grabbed the sword from him. It instantly weighed her down she struggled and tried to pick it up then gave up. "Could you do me a favor Sebastian" Hannah said. She pointed at the ceiling of the cave where Laevateinn already was, the sacred sword was stuck to the ceiling. He picked it from the ground with ease and flung it up. The sword stuck to the ceiling. 

"A soul pierced by a demon's word will come to a complete end" Hannah stated.

"Now then" She said. "A demon duel with a controlled sword" Claude said. "A battle for a singular soul" Sebastian added. As Hannah raised her hand Sebastian and Claude began running in circles. "When this is done I will sink my teeth into the young masters' soul" Claude stated. Both of them jumped up. Claude used his spider thread to try and grab Banshee out of Sebastian's reach but it didn't budge.

 Ryoba chuckled. What an idiot, Claude acted as if he was strong enough to defy the purpose of a controlled sword. Claude swung himself using his thread towards Laevateinn and grabbed it. He landed on the floor as Sebastian went and grabbed Banshee. Ryoba jumped up and landed near the big rhinestones the young master's body was resting on. 

"I'll bite hard, deep and crude, the soul is mine!" Claude exclaimed while trying to slash at Sebastian. Sebastian jumped back dodging every attack Claude was throwing him and occasionally using Banshee to counter Claude's attacks. They continued exchanging attacks.


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