5 - Contract Symbol

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Masters bedroom - 

"That's shit! and so is that, this one too... and this!" Alois exclaimed. He was looking over all the costumes laid on his bed. "You have got to be joking" He picked up a crown and threw it at Hannah. It hit her straight in the head. She reached up to feel the spot as blood ran down the right side of her face. Claude opened the door with Ryoba following closely behind. "Is he here?" The young master questioned and then turned to look at his servants. 

"Lord Phantomhive has arrived" Claude informed. 

The Head servants bowed. Alois turned back to the costumes on the bed. "I was choosing a costume. You should do the same, perhaps this one" He said. Alois brought a gown towards Claude, placed it on his shoulder, and then clapped. "Ole!" His Highness looked up at Claude to see that he was as stoic as ever. The boy aggressively grabbed the grown and threw it. "All of these costumes you brought me are bloody useless!" He yelled. 

"Now strip, Hannah" Alois demanded. Hannah took her time slowly undressing. "Claude, Ryoba. I assume everything is in order?" He questioned. "Yes, we transform day into night, pleasure into pain, and waltzes into requiems" They said. "That's what makes us Trancy servants" The pair bowed pleasing their master. "Welcome to my home Ciel Phantomhive, I will show you a lovely time" Alois said. 


Outside Trancy Manor - 

As demanded by their master all the servants waited outside, behind or on trees. "Trouble breathing? Does it hurt?" Alois asked in a feminine tone. He had been wearing Hannah's uniform in order to lure Ciel Phantomhive outside into the woods right outside the manor. "If you'd like, I'd be happy to lick it all the better for you" He suggested while licking his lips. "Let me lick your wounds..." He continued. "I've had enough of this farce, Alois Trancy" Ciel stated. 

"So you figured it out, what a bore" Alois said. He quickly took off the blonde wig he was wearing and threw it away. "I figured if you got me alone you'd finally gain the courage to make a move" Ciel said. "That's why you followed me?" Alois asked. "Really..." Claude and Ryoba walked out from behind a tree. Timber, Thompson, and Canterbury jumped down from another. "Well, I can't allow you to underestimate me" Ciel said while smirking. 

"My young master is quite right" Sebastian said. He walked out from the tree behind Ciel. "Claude, I do believe I gave you a warning earlier" Sebastian stated. "Do you recall?" He questioned. "Now now, we only wanted to chat someplace quieter" Alois said. "Must be important to do all this" Ciel stated. "You dressed up like a woman, what could you possibly want so badly?" He asked. "Simple... I want you" Alois admitted. 

"What's that mean you want me?" Ciel asked. 

"It means precisely what I said, I want you... you're mine Ciel Phantomhive" Alois said. "And if you refuse, everyone in there will be killed" He stated. Sebastian looked down at his master, most likely wondering what his next move will be. "I've arranged for a little performance. And if it begins, everyone dies" Alois explained. "Every... last... one of them" He stated. "What will it be?" He asked the blue-haired boy. 

"You may do as you wish" Ciel said firmly. Alois' eyes widened then relaxed, seems like he didn't expect that answer. " You're sure about that? " Alois questioned. "Yes, you can try of course. Now there's something I would like to ask of you" Ciel said. "What is it? I'll be happy to tell you" Alois asked. "Right after you bend down and kiss my ass that is" He added. Alois turned around and stuck his ass out. "I don't think it's your ass that will be kissed" Ciel stated. 

"Very confident, are we?" Alois questioned. He then stood straight up, walking towards his Head Butler and Maid. He then stood between them. Alois felt Ryoba's comforting hand supporting his back. "Getting cocky just because your butler has a little talent, that's a mistake" Alois said. "I have my Claude here, you're not alone" He said while sticking his tongue out, the contract symbol began to glow. "Yes, I expected as much" Ciel stated. "But which servant is it..." He muttered. 

"What was that?" Alois asked. 

"We are bound by our contract Sebastian, you will serve me, you will protect me, and you will not kill me. You will see that I stay alive until I achieve my ultimate goal" Ciel said. "Of course, I have been your loyal servant since that day Master" Sebastian stated. "I will do anything you ask, grant any wish you make, until the day our contract is fulfilled and I take your soul" He added. "An excellent answer" Ciel stated. 

"Hoheo taralna, rondero tarel" Alois said. "Now Claude! You will get Ciel for me" Alois demanded. "Ryoba! You will protect me by any means" He said. "Sebastian, this is an order. You must do whatever it takes to protect me, do not fail" Ciel demanded. "Yes, Your Highness" Claude and Ryoba said. "Yes, My Lord" Sebastian said. 


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