~|Chapter 65|~ And We're Back

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(an: i'm sure we've all heard the recent news of techno's unfortunate passing. rest assured, he will still be a part of this book for the remaining 10 chapters. his legacy will never die. rest easy, techno. you will never die in our memories.

with that being said, lets get on with the chapter <33)

Willow POV

I let out a sigh of nervousness. It's finally time to come back.

3 weeks of absolute radio silence from me and the dream team now about to finally be broken.

"Are you sure you want to explain all of this, willow? I can do it, y'know" Jaxon says, giving a concerned look to his webcam

Me, Jaxon, Clay, George, and Sapnap were all on a call. Jaxon was in his streaming room in California, Clay was in his room with his camera off, and George and Sap were still in Canada but were using their phone to join the call.

"We're all here for you. And if it starts becoming too much, just let us know and one of us can take over" Clay reassured

"I'll be okay guys, I'm just a little anxious. Thanks" I smile before putting on my mask and glasses, Jaxon doing the same

"Is everyone ready?" I ask, hovering over the starting button

They all replied with a form of yes, so I finally click it

Skylitdreamer went live! we're we've been, and what happened.

My starting soon screen showed up to the thousands of people now joining the stream. The view count went up as more seconds passed. 2 minutes in, the starting song had ended, and I had a total of 300k viewers.

I take another deep breath before putting a black screen up, and then our faces.

"Hey everyone" I say nervously, trying my best not to glance at chat just yet

"Hi chat!" "Hey guys" "Hello" The rest of the group responds

"So uhm, we've been gone a while, as you know. We thought we might as well provide an explanation" I start

"And before they start saying anything, I want to say, that we do not owe y'all anything. This is our decision, and you should be thankful that we're even telling any of you this" Sapnap says sternly

"Yeah, and you shouldn't speculate any further from the information we give you. What we say is more than enough for you" Clay adds on

"Yeah, thanks guys" I take a small pause "Well, I guess we should get started"

"It all started the day that Jaxon was a leaving to go back to Cali. We were in the airport  when suddenly, we got yelled at by the police. They grabbed Clay and put him in cuffs claiming that he had a weapon in his bag" I decide to just say everything as simply as I could

I sigh "They looked through his bag and there was a knife. A knife of which none of us put in there. They took him, George and Sap went with him to the police station. Me and Jaxon went back home since I was having major panic attack"

"Before you guys say anything  and start accusing Clay of secretly having a knife, it wasn't him. Uhm, Clay, do you wanna explain what happened at the prison?" I ask, since he knew the story firsthand 

"Yeah, sure" He responds "When I was at the prison, someone came in to visit with me. When I showed up, they started talking about how I should know who he is and how he did all of this for revenge. Long story short, someone from Twitter that I had made fun of on stream as a joke, had tracked down where we were, somehow placed a weapon into my bag, and then reported it to the police"

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