Chapter 4: Explore The Tour of Ninjago City Part 1: Friendship!

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The Next Day

Goku: (Yawning and Stretching) "Ah!"

Goku: "Now that's a great nap. Man, this place is awesome. Okay, I'll just have to get changed, brush my teeth, and eat breakfast today. I wonder what Zane's cooking for breakfast, I can't wait!"

Goku puts his gi clothes on. He walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth. And he walked straight to the hallway and dining room for breakfast.

Goku: "Morning, everyone!"

Akita: "Good morning!"

Everyone: "Morning, Goku & Akita!"

Lloyd: "How do you two love your rooms?"

Goku: "It's awesome!"

Akita: "I love it too, your place is beautiful."

Lloyd: "Aw, I'm glad you two enjoyed it."

Goku: "So, what's for breakfast Zane?"

Zane: "I'm glad you asked my friend..."

Zane: "Today, we are having a tradition buffet; Steamed Rice (Gohan), Miso Soup (Miso Shiru), Fermented Soy Beans (Natto),Grilled Fish (Yakizakana), Pickled Vegetables (Tsukemono), Seasoned Dried Seaweed (Nori), and Vegetable Side Dishes (Kobachi)

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Zane: "Today, we are having a tradition buffet; Steamed Rice (Gohan), Miso Soup (Miso Shiru), Fermented Soy Beans (Natto),
Grilled Fish (Yakizakana), Pickled Vegetables (Tsukemono), Seasoned Dried Seaweed (Nori), and
Vegetable Side Dishes (Kobachi)."

Goku: "Woah cool, that's awesome! Thanks!"

Akita: "I never tried those before."

Zane: "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

Goku: "Let's chow out! (Pray) "Thanks for the grub."

Akita: "Oh... (Pray) Thank you for the food."

10 minutes later

Akita: "Wow... this is really delightful. I'm grateful for your cooking, Zane."

Goku: "Yeah, you're the best!"

Zane: "Heh heh heh, it was nothing."

Goku: "So, what should we do guys?"

Kai: "Oh, I already got plans with Skylor."

Jay & Cole: (Tease) "Ohhhhhhhhhhh!"

Kai: (Annoyed) "A friend plans!"

Nya: "She's Kai's girlfriend..."

Kai: "Nya!"

Goku: "Wow that's cute, I would love to meet her. Say, can she fight too? What's her elemental power?"

Kai: "Yeah, she can and her power was ember."

Goku: "Ember? What's that?"

Lloyd: "Her power is to absorb all of our powers that she had a limited amount of."

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