Chapter 19: Yin & Yang! Awakening the True Power of Water!

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Wu: "Jay, Master of Lighting!"

Wu: "Nya, Master of Water!"

Jay: "Okay, now I'm really getting pumped up!"

Nya: "Heh heh, don't get too cocky, sparky..."

Jay: "Why wouldn't I be? You know what, let's make a bet! If I win, you have to beat me on Prime Empire!"

Nya: "You're on! But if I win, I'll give a kiss on your cheek once this is over!"

Jay: "Huh! Concrete down!"

Wu: "Begin!"

Nya & Jay: (Power-up) "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!"

Nya: "Hrah!"

Jay: "Hrah!"



Jay: "Lighting!"

Nya: "Water!"

Goku: "Wow, they really are a strong couple as ninjas! Like they both have the same feelings for each other! And know that Nya is one with the ocean when we fought twice..."

Kai: "I'm telling ya bud, don't underestimate my sister!"

Goku: "I'm sure I hope they'll have a wonderful future life with themselves..."

Zane: "Goku, your wrists are scratched..."

Goku: "Oh, it's fine..."

Zane: "Here, allow me to heal you!"

Goku: "Wait, what...?"

Zane uses healing powers to restore Goku's wrists...

Goku: "I don't believe...Zane, how did you...?"

Cole: "Yeah, when did you learn how to do that?"

Lloyd: "That's incredible...!"

Kai: "Is this for real?!"

Zane: "While I was training with Pixal from a few weeks ago, we both have the ability to heal within our powers. Ever since our spiral match, we somehow healed our scratches ourselves after the fight...It would appear that our Ki powers are evolving a new technique combined with our elements...And my theory is we can transform with our powers too, like Akita did...!"

Cole: "So are you saying...we have some new abilities and we can transform with our Ki powers itselves?"

Zane: "That's correct, Cole!"

Kai: "Did you know about this, Goku?"

Goku: "No, I didn't know that but...It'!"

Lloyd: "It looks though, Pixal's healing Akita's wounds too!"

Goku: "Yeah..."

Akita: "Thank you Pixal..."

Pixal: "You're welcome Akita...It's the least I can do."

Akita: "I can always respect your kindness as a friend..."

Skylor: "So do I..."

Pixal: "Thanks girls..."

Jay: "Hahahaha! I can get used to this! Man, I always wanted to fly as a person without transportation, this is rock!!"

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